MovieChat Forums > Hey Paula (2007) Discussion > Show proves that shes DEF on something.....

Show proves that shes DEF on something....

I mean she slurs her speech,stumbles around,talks the most crazy nonsense and does not sleep. Gee I wonder why? This show just proves shes on something. The constant out of nowhere emotional breakdowns does'nt help her either. Shes always trashed and out of it.


Couldn't agree more! She certainly enjoys playing the "I'm just a victim" card. While watching I kept thinking "wow, she actually makes Bobby and Whitney look good."


She treats her assistants like *beep*

What you wathching hoes?
We watching Date Movie.
Turn that Sh*t off.


I agree. the scene where she goes to starbucks at 2:30 am.... she acted MESSED UP! This series is just going to highlight all her erratic behavior. What was she thinking?






Anyone that thinks its just sleeping problems is just wrong. I've had insomnia for years, and while it can make you feel a little loopy, your body still gets tired. After 2 days without sleep sometimes your mind is still going prohibiting sleep but your body shuts down and wants rest. This train wreck that is Paula is hopping around and giggling after not sleeping. She is definitely abusing some kind of prescription meds.


Alas !! It definetely not show her in the best light. She also tries very hard not to let audience see that she is a Diva.


If this show was intended to improve her image, I'm afraid she's going to be disappointed!!


It's doing just the opposite. I gave Paula the benefit of the doubt until I saw this show!!

I always knew, but now I know.


She's f'in CRAZY!
