MovieChat Forums > Naked Fear (2007) Discussion > Damn Rubbish Porn Naked

Damn Rubbish Porn Naked

This film is only selling the girls' naked body, claim her being raped in forest, that is rubbish, actually it's just a porn, no matter how it got decorated. Rubbish is rubbish.


I didn't see any pornish acts.
This movie is really not a porn.


its not a porn. there was nothing porny stuff. it was a psycotic thriller.if u say this porn then i wonder what is real porn.
Porn stuff has sex content,this aint.


This is the difference between male and female.

boys only wish to see more and more porn, and they admire Bellucci-like actress who always show her breasts out.

Girls dislike seeing too many nude scenes. so they prefer decent boyfriends



It seems the OP has no idea what porn is or even what actually happens in this movie.
'Girls' don't mind watching nudity if it is not cheap or overly gratituous. The nude scenes in this movie are tasteful & no rape or torture scenes are shown. You also may be surprised to find the movie is based on a real story and was written by a woman.


Hm...written by a woman.

that is sweet.

I have not seen it. But reading the reviews and board, i will.

More and more movies like this :)

Addy Bhai
I won't kill you, But i don't have to save you.



You know less about girls than you do about speaking english.

We LO♥E porn and masturbate toorgasm with it just like you guys do. Our fantasies are different though. We usually imagine ourselves being brutally raped (yes really).




Because to some people it IS. To some people any amount of nudity is obscene and disturbing. It might ruin chldrens' minds if they saw it accidentally, or it might make adults become porn addicts. Who knows?


If God created the naked body, and all these Bible thumpers love God so much, why do they fear the very nipples God created on everyone?
Why don't you people move to the Middle East and dress your women like Jawas?



poe-30, are you really this stupid? There are many children who grew up in nudist camps and their minds were not "ruined". There are many African and primitive tribes where nudity is/was common. Did they become traumatized by the sight of nudity? Nude and topless beaches are ubiquitous throughout Europe; once again, no harm has come of it. Only a fool could believe that the nude female form could be harmful to anyone. You must be one of those typical, low-IQ feminists philistines.


How, exactly, is a child's mind going to be "ruined" by the sight of a naked woman? Children in nudist families don't grow up with "ruined" minds. Quite the contrary, they are usually more mature about the human body than the rest of us.

A beautiful naked woman in a film harms no one and is extremely enjoyable to many (myself included).


I wish people would just get over their hang-ups and realize that nudity is not a bad thing. I have found that a surprising number of the people (mostly upper middle-class housewives with too much time on their hands) that complain about nudity on televison and in movies will instead allow their children to watch gory movies like Saw and think nothing of it. I think nudity is far less offensive then seeing some bloody, gory death scene. If you do not like seeing nudity on televison then turn the channel. I, myself do not like overly gory horror moves so I do not watch them. Believe me it is really that simple.


I totally agree. Having traveled to europe and around the USA (where i'm from), there is a definate difference in how nudity is viewed- in life and in cinima. While independant film here in the US has made strides in finding meaningful ways to use nudity, it is seen as too edgy or corrupt in mainstream cinima. While I agree that children should be shielded from sexual images until they are older and have had it discussed with them by a parent, there is a difference between sex, nudity and sexuality. Our society's problem is that when we see nudity we think sex and view him/her as a sexual object instead of a person who is simply nude.

I don't find either nudity or a death seen offensive, although i may think it too grafic. What I DOOO find offensive is the director cutting out anything necessary and logical to the scene simply because it might upset joe public. THAT IS ARTISTICALLY OFFENSIVE TO ME.


No, actually it's based on a true story.


I'd say a movie like e.g. Hostel 2 is much more tasteless and pornographic than this one. Sure, there is a LOT of nudity in this one, but there are no unneccesarily graphic rape or torture scenes.

I cannot deny that it probably is a selling argument that there are so many and long nude shots of the attractive protagonist, but it somehow made sense because she was like an animal in the wild and much more helpless that way.


I agree with Sonnengott. The nudity made sense within the context of the film and didn't feel gratuitous or exploitative. The extra vulnerability made the hunt and chase scenes that much more suspenseful. It's just an added bonus that the lead girl happens to be so very attractive and with such a great body.


Project X; You are a MORON. This is not "porn". Do you even know what porn is, you fool? Porn is the explicit depiction of actual sex acts for the primary purpose of sexually arousing the viewer.

This is clearly NOT porn. There were NO real sex acts graphically performed and shown. There was only nudity. The nude human form is in itself NOT pornographic. This was even understood during the repressive 1950's as several Supreme Court rulings in the United States asserted that nudity in itself CANNOT be considered pornographic. You need to grow up.


I will try my best to explain and maybe, hopefully, this person will learn the difference between porn and nudity.

I've seen this movie and there are no sex scenes, which means there there is no porn. Pornography is only things (movies, images etc) that contain sexual content. It is a shame why people think that nudity=porn. Wholesome nudity like in this movies (except for the strip club scenes) is natural, nothing about it is pornographic whatsoever. I disagree with the strip club scene because it puts a bad view on nudity. Nudity should not be viewed like that.

I am a naturist and I know very well the difference between porn and nudity, they are nothing alike. They may sound weird to you and I'm sure it does to a lot of people where your from. I love nudity but hate anything that is pornographic. I know this film isn't about naturism.

I know friends who live at a naturist resort, where they are nude 24/7. They live the same way as everyone else, except nude. Why on earth would they do something like that, you may wonder? Because it feels good to be clothsfree, you are more relaxed and most of all, you come to accept yourself as who you are and others. There is no pornography/adult acts taking place there. If someone were to engage in something sexual, they would be banned.

It is a safe, friend and family environment. Most naturist resort accept everyone, regardless of their, age, race or gender.

Here is a site I think is very informative. This is a naturist site, dedicated to helping others understand the world of naturist. You will find no porn on this site at all. There are only a few nude photos on this page, but their mostly at the very bottom.


Thanks Nova Scotia for the well-written response to this silly complaint.


> I love nudity but hate anything that is pornographic.

Then you're just as fuc ked up as the people who hate nudity.

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
They hate you because you're smart? Smart and sexy is worse.


The "porn" designation has to nothing to do with nudity. It has something to do with explicit sex (which this movie doesn't have), but even that isn't all of it. The US Supreme Court once used the phrase "seriously lacking in artistic or literary merit" to define porn. So if something has artist merit--i.e. it has some appeal besides a purely prurient one--it's NOT porn.

But even if you're one of these idiots who defines "porn" as anything too sexy to get a PG-13 rating, the "porn" label is not as damning and dismissive as people like to make it. Some people are porn addicts like some people are alcoholics, but that doesn't make alcohol OR porn bad in themselves. Most people who use both at times are perfectly normal.

Also, director Thomas Eberhardt has been regard as something of a feminist in some quarters based on his 80's girl-centric film "Night of the Comet". Just because there is more of a nod here to the male part of the audience with the stripping and the nudity, doesn't mean the feminist element is entirely absent. It's very clear who the protagonist is here--and just because she looks tasty with her clothes off doesn't necessarily mean the male portion of the audience doesn't sympathize with her and root for her.
