MovieChat Forums > Stargate: The Ark of Truth (2008) Discussion > SG-1 Repeats the Asgards Mistakes (Spoil...

SG-1 Repeats the Asgards Mistakes (Spoiler)

So after so many seasons of "Human weapons are the only weapons in the galaxy that season to have any effect on the replicators!" and "The Asgard can't fight the replicators because they're not dumb enough to use firearms like humans are," we have another replicator episode. And what happens? SG-1 gets so obsessed with their high technology anti-replicator guns that they completely forget the tried and true methods of having a few people with standard fire arms (And this seems to be the only time in SG-1 history where you have an entire room of soldiers with no standard firearms.).

Way to go, Mitchell. Because of your lack of foresight in asking for someone to stand by with a P-90 just in case, you nearly destroyed your entire ship. Plus you got the crap beaten out of you.


its the core room, bullets would most likely damage something, and could even ricochet and hit the core. the problem with the asgards was their physical bodies were very slow/weak. they wouldn't be fast enough to shoot the guns. however, they should have built gun turrets. there is a lot of shoulda coulda woulda's. like why didn't the replicators ever evolve little personal shields? that would make bullets quite useless. hell, he wouldnt of had to shoot it anyways..they could of used the core to disassemble it as easily as it was made.


I seriously don't buy the idea that the most important room in the ship wouldn't be able to withstand bullets. And besides, the threat of letting a replicator escape far outweighs the risk of accidentally shooting something. They should have had one as backup. I mean, seriously, guy tries to shoot a replicator with a zat?

And personal shields? Small replicators aren't advanced enough for personal shields. Hell, even the Ancients themselves only made a small number of them, and it's not because they didnt come in handy. The only replicators advanced enough and small enough to need a personal shield are the human form replicators, who can't be taken down by bullets anyway.


That's exactly what ran through my mind when I saw that scene.
It just shows a lack of imagination from the writers!

When I saw the replicator, I actually hoped it would get teleported to an Ori ship so we could finally see a Replicator vs Ori space battle. But nooo..
Instead, we got that human/replicator zombie and generally a poor story.

The whole ship incident was useless, as it did not affect the Vala/Adria/MorganLeFey storyline.


It's sad when the Ori have been reduced to so puny of a threat now that the only way they can pose a danger is if the Earth ship is infested with replicators.



"When I saw the replicator, I actually hoped it would get teleported to an Ori ship so we could finally see a Replicator vs Ori space battle. But nooo.."

Yeah I was hoping they'd have teleported it to an Ori ship too. THAT would have been funny as hell!

Last night, did we?... We did?... Damn!... Do you remember if I enjoyed it?


I seriously don't buy the idea that the most important room in the ship wouldn't be able to withstand bullets.

Because I'm sure all of everything on the ship was designed to be bulletproof.

I'm not an actor. I just play one on TV.


Well I hope everything in the most important room on the ship was bulletproof, since they shoot the hell out of it later in the movie. I'm with the earlier post that a few P-90 blasts up-front would have saved a lot of trouble, and caused the writers more work.

"The men people admire are daring liars; those they most detest are men who speak the truth"


Why don't they just throw some vinegar on them and melt them. It's acidic enough.

Correlation does not prove causality.
