MovieChat Forums > Stargate: The Ark of Truth (2008) Discussion > Cover - No spoilers and keep it this way

Cover - No spoilers and keep it this way

The cover of the movie is no good. Its cheesy. Also, I guess they really do keep Tealc in his old age form. Vala and Carter aren't looking like they did. What happened between Unending and the filming??



Sam looks sort of like she does on Atlantis. I'm sure what's up with Vala though...she does look kind of funny.


Maybe it's because she dropped another sprog recently and was probably pregnant during filming?


Wait, I've just figured out why Vala looks weird. There are no shadows on her face like there are w/ the rest of SG-1, so she looks kind of like an action figure and not a live person.



Oh [expletive] no, is that the stupid Papyrus font again? That font is so [expletive] overused that it's pathetic. The font shows up in TV shows, movies, commercials, books, t-shirts, ... pretty much everywhere else imaginable. You'd think that someone by now would come up with something more creative instead of using that ridiculously overused font. BURN Papyrus font, BURN!


Yeh, ewww, Papyrus! One of the Laws of Graphic Design is "Thou Shalt Never Use Papyrus of Comica Sans". A truly unprofessional typeface.

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Claudia's breasts look huge, it looks like the cover pic was taken when she was heavily pregnant with her second child


I thought I was the only one who would like to send Papyrus to the early 90s.

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