Funniest Scene?

Big fan of all of Stargate, all the movies, sg1, atlantis, and even universe (the worse by far).

Anyways during a battle with Ori soldiers the camera goes to Tomin and slowmo's him grabbing a rock!

I can't help but laugh!


Ironic isn't it that both Daniel and Tomin are seen or hinted at as Vala's love interests.

Daniel also picked up a rock to fend off the gun toting maniacs in season 7's Evolution Part 2.

If wishes were horses, we'd all be eating steak.Jayne, Firefly


old reply but bout finishing rewatching the series and gonna watch this and contiuum again next lol..

yeah I guess, always hinted that Vala is a hoe tho.

Firefly is the *beep* too
