Pierre DuPont

Lara killed him in the first game but he showed up in TR:C and fell to his death

and now he may be in TR:L2 how is he still alive



No, Pierre definetly dies in Anniversary, both him and Larson have a cutscene entitled "Pierre's Demise" and "Larson's Demise" although we don't get to shoot Pierre in this game, I'm guessing a centaur kills him!

The cast list is screwed up over at the Legend 2 page.

The timeline is as follows:

Tomb Raider: Anniversary > Tomb Raider: Legend > Tomb Raider: Legend 2

Can one man fight the darkness?


but if what happened in Chronicles occured before TR:1 then how did he come back in TR1 because he fall to his death in Chronicles so how did he Surive


pierre sold is his sould to the devil

But now is the end of days and Iam the reaper Alessa silent hill



"You are a total retarded moron."

And you sir, are lower than dirt.

To offend someone who has done nothing to you. How very pathetic.

Member of the Stop Heath Ledger Before He Gets His Talentless Mits On The Role Of the Joker Society



but if what happened in Chronicles occured before TR:1 then how did he come back in TR1 because he fall to his death in Chronicles so how did he Surive

Did you see him die in Chronicles? NO!. So he didn't fall to his death in Chronicles like you stated. That is how he is able to come back in TR1 capeesh?!. Oh yes and thanx to the ass hole with spoilers in post as to DuPont's demise in the Anniversary edition. We know it was going to be a different death, but us decent gamers prefer to find out for ourselves, not have it spoiled by some brat!. Just for the record I have played it and know of his demise, but I am speaking for everyone that has yet to play it!.

Some people are so ignorant and can't spend a few seconds adding ***SPOILERS*** to the title of their posts!

As for that cheese person above, to set the record straight he gets stomped to death actually by the end of level Boss. So dont act like you dont know, and instead put "I guess" as if you are not sure. After all what you said let the cat out the bag.

"Death heals the wounds of life."


Alamo are you looking forward to Tomb Raider Anniversary Game?

But now is the end of days and Iam the reaper Alessa silent hill


Am I looking forward to it? I am sitting at this moment in time on The Great Pyramid level. Check out the pictures below, if you like, I took them all from in game menu and in game level shots.

To everyone reading:

Do not look at these pictures if you dont want to know what the game looks like before playing it:






"Death heals the wounds of life."


the pictures look awesome especially the one in which Lara turns to gold if shje steps on the hand of Midas.


The game is really good my friend. I finished it just after I left that post above with the pictures in it. The game has most of the levels from the original in it, but, the levels are slightly altered. For instance my favourite level The Sanctuary of the Scion the Sphinx is in it as always but the room doesn't look as big as before and not so much wall climbing as the original level had. So it doesn't give you that vertigo feeling. This aside the game is amazing and is everything Legend and AOD should have been.

Taking my time gave me a completion time of: 14 hours 44 minutes and 21 seconds.

This is a game worth buying!.

"Death heals the wounds of life."


thank you so much Alamojoe
my favorite picture is lara turning into gold

But now is the end of days and Iam the reaper Alessa silent hill



I have lost counts on how many times I turn lara into gold

But now is the end of days and Iam the reaper Alessa silent hill


It was the first thing I did when I entered the courtyard where the hand is that turns things to gold. I never started to explore or anything, as I wondered what Lara would be like when she's gold. I took the shot just as she was nearly fully turned to gold. Magazines that are for gaming dont often, if ever, show you shots like this of Lara.

"Death heals the wounds of life."



They show video on youtube were you can unlock gold lara costume

But now is the end of days and Iam the reaper Alessa silent hill



here the link to costume video of tomb raider anniversary
the credit go to jenniebee for the link

But now is the end of days and Iam the reaper Alessa silent hill

