Lara's Mansion? (Where's the pool???)

I know it is like under construction, but does anyone know if you like unlock it somehowor like fix the water. I reallyliked to play in pool in TR:L! i just thought tht if you can't it will kinda ruin the Mansion bit.


You can swim around a bit, but the pool is as you said, under construction. You need to get the wrench from the gym and turn on the water in the garden.


Wicked, Cheers dude!!!


I just finished the whole mansion level and you can swim around, like the other poster said, you need to get the wrench out the gym (its on a high platform)


Then you have to go to the pool area and complete the puzzels there, if you have done that a statue will fall down and crash through the floor revealing the water. you can swim through a tunnel where there will be a lever that will open a door to the pool in the gym and fill that up too so you can swim there
