Remake the other tomb raiders!

Ok, i am nearly finished the game....and i was in laras mansion poking about reading the books, and it reminded me of aa mission in the second game, the one with the big cruise liner that sank...anywho i thought it would be realy good if they made anniversary 2+3 coz then al lthe great missions and key moments can be relived...just a suggestiopn, just i realy like the this one and loved al lthe missions from the old games, so yeah...
Also i think i should start a post saying, how many hours it took to complete and then people can compare!


The Maria Doria? Yes, I wondered if that would be a hint towards a remake of the second game - I think it's already been confirmed there will be a remake of TR2 sometime in the next few years.

"I am the snake of truth and I will not be silenced!!!"


Wow, that would be cool. Riding the snow mobile around again would rock! And Venice would look amazing with the improved graphics.

TrAshley Massaro is returning, but a least she'll be injured again in a few weeks.
