If there is a Tomb Raider 2 remake...

What levels would you be willing to lose?

I don't like Schindler's List.


I don't know in tomb raider 2 there were some awesome levels and it be hard to pick which level to lose

DarkAlessa now the end of day and Iam the Reaper:silent hill


I'd be quite happy to lose some of the levels between the Barkhang Monastery and the actual level where the dagger is kept. If they shorten them, that would be fine. I noticed that in Anniversary, they merged levels together so that would be a great idea for a second one.

Who else preferred TR2 to the original?

Funny- http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0187512/board/flat/20545598?d=20545598#20545598


I did.

And I agree with your choices. The game is great up until that last section--and I wouldn't bat an eye if the floating island was cut entirely.

I don't like Schindler's List.


in my opinion no tomb raider game will ever live up to tomb raider 2 it had everything but i agree the monk levals i could've done without. What an amzing game that was and you could totally play it for fun too, todays games are all about achievements and in the tomb raiders they are hard to get but i have recentley started playing this game and its my 2nd fave next to TR2, of course, nothing can beat TR2.

This space is not for bragging


I wouldn't miss "Bartoli's Hideout", since that level is just Venice 2.0, nothing in that level is particulary iconic or unique. The two oil rig levels could probably be merged into just one as well.


If they expanded Bartoli's hideout (like adding a cutscene of Lara spying a meeting from Bartoli, adding the possibility to read some of the books of Bartoli's huge library to learn more about the Dagger of Xian (or more)) and make it feel less like the first Venise level, it would be interesting.

There's no level in particular that I'd like to see removed. Maybe shortened or merged with another level but not removed completely.


I thought there were far too many undersea levels; they need to merge some of them together. Floating Islands needs to basically be the beginning of the Dragon's Lair level as well. That's about it. I think they should remake 2-Chronicles. Having a remake of 3 would be even better than two (in my opinion).


4 and Chronicles revolve around Von Croy and Lara's death, which is no longer official back story. Plus they suck.

Quantum Of Solace - the amount of comfort.


Although I've never beat’d TR2 I still remember how disappointed I was with the Great Wall (It was too short) and I hated the factories/underwater levels and I was beyond frightened from the Layer/Island and the Yetis!!! OMG! I hated the Yetis with all my freakin' heart! But I was 7 by then :P
And if they want to remake somethin' then remake TR4 and TR6(Which was butchered)


Good question - I suppose alot of fat could be trimmed of the Maria Dora levels (the sunken skip). And the Floating Islands level, I still don't know what the hell that place is suppose to be. Other than that I think it would be fine the way it is.

"Doesn't mean I say penis when I mean to say penis! I mean penis! Car! Penis! Car!"



Like I have said if they remade tomb raider 6 make the controls are better this time

DarkAlessa now the end of day and Iam the Reaper:silent hill


I played it a long time ago and it is one of my most favorite Tomb Raider games. But I hate the theatre part where there are a lot of sand bags hanging from the ceiling. I'd be happy to lose those parts.


I would lose The Great Wall level. Slow, tedious, only there to ease you into the new world. Cut it or make it a cinema.

There is a man...he travels fast...he has purpose...he brings violence and destruction.


None. They'll probably do what they did with Anniversary and combine certain levels into one long level. (40 Fathoms, Wreck of the Maria Doria, The Deck, etc.)

"I am the ultimate badass, you do not wanna `*beep*` wit' me!" Hudson in Aliens.
