This movie is crap

This movie does not deserve the rating it got on Rottentomatoes or on IMDB. The dialogue was dry and the plot was linear to the point of boredom. The guy who played Shaun was not convincingly gay either. All the other 'gay' movies that I've seen, of which include Brokeback Mountain, Get Real, and Beautiful Thing, were better than this film.

However, I can see why this movie would be lapped up by the mainstream crowd. It was formulaic and generic enough for the average gay Joe to enjoy which is surely why it is popular. The soundtrack also had me thinking that I was watching a bargain bin rom-com, I hear the same thing in every beachside California film.

To think that this film is groundbreaking in any way is insulting to films like Brokeback Mountain which actually contribute something new to the genre instead of the standard 'coming out' fluff.


Well I'm not an average gay Joe and I liked it so..


That's your opinion. Just because you don't think it deserves the rating on Rottentomatoes or on IMDb doesn't mean they're wrong.

Bad choices to make when your genie grants you 3 wishes.
Uh, 2 cokes and some chips.


I think its more realistic than many gay themed movies, these are just average people who to fall in love who happen to be of the same sex.


You forgot to state that this is all in your opinion, you ignorant bafoon.

I'd rather be disemboweled with a toothbrush.


Love how you imply you're soooo much better than the simple commoners below you.



Whats wrong with latterdays...I love that movie.



Latter Day and Shelters are actually one of my favorite movies...


I've seen quite a few gay-themed movies.
Latter Days was one of them. I actually hated it. Something about it never sits well with me. I saw it a few years ago and I didn't like it. Recently I decided to watch it again because it was on some list of great gay-themed films to watch. Yeah...I still don't like it. I found the acting pretty bad and the lead gay character was a giant cliche.
A good gay-themed film to see is Strapped with Ben Bonenfant. It was good and not low budget-looking like so many of them are.

A donkey's lips will not fit on a horse's mouth.


I thought this movie was pretty crappy as well. Not because they weren't convincingly gay, but because the film was so terribly written. The characters lacked any depth and the entire plot was very bland and generic. I wouldn't recommend this to anyone.


well the movie doesn't deserve an oscar ..but it stepped in a different direction than what most gay movies portray...that stereotypical nonsense thats why its somewhat of a cult hit


Well, you are entitled to what you think but Shelter to me is still the best gay movie there is...and i am sure there is thousands and thousands of people out there saying that i am right ....


Wow, bitter much, OP?

I'm rarely inclined to be influenced by any review that starts out "This movie is crap" because it tells me right away that the writer is not going to offer any insights into the positive and negative aspects of the film or what did or did not work for him/her personally but rather will engage in blanket insults and cheap shots.

And oh look, here we get not just cheap shots at the film but also at any viewer who happened to like it.

You didn't find the acting to be convincing. Fair enough. Some did. You didn't like the plot or the soundtrack. Also fair enough. I'm not sure it's necessary to attach such scorn to any of those opinions though, much less to direct it at other people just because they have differing opinions. There is nothing insulting to Brokeback Mountain or any other quality film. Not every gay themed film needs to check off all the same boxes. There is just as much room for variety as there is in heterosexual films.

Your condescention is unnecessary and your dig at "the average gay Joe" uncalled for.

It's too bad you couldn't just post your thoughts on the pros and cons of the film and its story and leave the insults out of it. If the goal was to have a discussion or share ideas, that approach rarely works. I'm sorry you didn't like this film. Glad you enjoyed the others you listed, which I'd agree are also good films, of the ones I saw anyway.


I love this film. Such a sweet lovestory... It's om my top 5 list. If you haven't seen it, you should!!
