Why change in name?

I saw Johnny Tsunami a long time ago. How come they changed the name to Johnny Kapahala? Was that always his name but they called it Tsunami because it's about a surfer?


Kapahala is "Johnny's" realy last name in the movie.
Tsunami was somewhat like a nickname cause he likes surfing.

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(¸.·´ (¸.·´ Destinee<3


Probably because the connotation of tsunami isn't very humorous in light of the massive tsunami destruction a few years back.


Probably cause it's not his name - it was his grandfather's name in the movie. But, they did change the spelling of his last name, which is very odd.


Probably because the connotation of tsunami isn't very humorous in light of the massive tsunami destruction a few years back.

Oh, I don't doubt that for a second. There was another big tsunami back in 1960 in the Pacific Ocean that did as much damage, but that was a long way from the first movie.


I was sure that Tsunami was a nickname. I remember in the first movie when kids said something like "what do they call him, oh yeah Johnny Tsunami!"

Kapahala was always his last name, you can see it in the credits under the Johnny Tsunami movie on here.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - July 21, 2007



grandpa's nickname.
but kapahala IS in fact spelled differently.
wasn't it kapahaala, though before?


scared huh?


Well technically his name is Kapahala and they called the first one Tsunami because of the surf connection but originally His grandpa is Tsunami not Brandon's character.


Johnny Tsumani was his grandfather's name.

That's Strickland? Jesus. Didn't that guy ever have hair?
