DVD language?

Can anyone tell me if the DVD has an english dubb version? I've got family with trouble seeing and it might be easier for them to hear it.


I do not have the answer to your question but I just watched this film in high-def on Starz this AM. I liked this film very much but it was subtitled, something that I ususally do not have patience in movies to bother with, but the film was so extroadinary that it caught my attention so. It was hard to read those subtitles however on this movie on the high-def presentation even on my toshiba regza 37 inch screen and this set plays as good as one gets. I am not a lover of closed captions either. I generally like foreign films dubbed myself and the way I see it, this film should be very carefully dubbed for other world markets because it is a darn good film that should be seen by more people in this world. Perhaps you should contact SONY PICTURES on this.



Thanks. I ended up buying the film over the weekend (it was hard to find) but it played in English and although the dubbing could have been better the film itself was wonderful. My family all loved it.


That is great to hear that at least that a dubbed version is available of this film;rjgbeaver. I am surprised that the dubbed version was not shown on STARZ, but as I said if I watched it with subtitles, it is a darn good one. The only other subtitled movie that I have watched in all my years that I found as good was APOCALYPTO.

