NO LIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Really most people playing World of Warcraft Have no lives its been out for not even a month and a saw a lvl 63 shaman dreni come on people get a life.
i mean ive been playing for a year and is only lvl 33.
dont you people have a job or do you live with your mom sitting there in your room playing dont have a girlfreind and when someone tells you *Hey Sexy* you get a excited and beat off!!!!!!!!!!!
COME ON PEOPLE GET A LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cant think of anything else to you yell at you low lives!!!
Why can't you just download porn like most normal teenagers?


What a sack of crap. Just because people can play the game more than you does not mean they have no life. I have been playing the game for over a yearnow and have a lvl 63 NE rogue, and loads of different level alts. But, i also have a nice life. Married with 3 kids (wife and 2 of the kids play WOW, 3rd kid is only 4 but has a char i play for her), I have my own place, a full time job(army(, go to the gym or for run 5-6 times a week, and am 36, so, not a teenager.

SO, your theory of who plays the game is wrong, and, from others i have spoken to in game and in guild, the majority of people fall into the "20-40 working and have own place" bracket. Just because you find the game a struggle and cannot get beyond 33, no need to call us lowlifes (as you are one of the people who play also). If you called people no lifers and low lives ingame you would get zero help. Hey, maybe you have and that is why you are only lvl 33.....wrong attitude and no-one likes you. !!. Just a thought.


The game isn't the only thing he has a problem with. He also struggles with proper grammer and sentence structure.



Plenty of people that play WOW have lives. I myself am a writer and I am involved in making my first film. I am in college and actually just got out of a two year relationship. I have been playing WOW since June of last year and have a 56 human paladin, and several 20+ alts. I only play WOW maybe 15 hours a week and still make time to hang out with friends and family.
Also, what was the point of your rant anyway? It is nothing new, stupid people have done it before and you know something... Stupid people will do it again.


Thank you for correcting my spelling.
The op has no point at all. He rants on here about people leveling faster than can be believed, then he goes on the original wow forum and asks people for help in leveling quicker.... some people live for wow, and level faster than the average player. That has been going on from the start. He could have been playing wow and gaining xp instead of coming on here and whining about it.




If your are higher lvl then me you have no life! and if you are lower lvl them me you are a N000000000B!


I think this person has to rearlise that ALOT of wow players are people who have addiction problems and people who cant leave the house due to mental helth issues. I am one of these people. I havnt been able to leave the house for about 3 months now. I have been told by doctors and councellers to try and keep my self active (mentally if not phsically) I find this helps because i can talk to people who also have problems like my self, Keep my self mentally stimulated and also It stops me from getting board. there are alot of sad people who play the game.. there are also alot of sad people who worship a religion, many sad people who have what ud call normal lives. what my point is where ever you look you will find these people you call 'sad' but they are people with lives. I dont think you should call the people who play this game sad when (not to be funny) you take the time to come onto a msg board and take the time to type out this message which to be perfectly frank is small minded and has come from some one who them selfs have too much time on there hands. :) to me thats a bit..sad. Just remmber these people your calling sad DO have lives, and because it may not contain things that u do! does not mean that person does not have a life.
P.s I know my spelling is terrible so sue me :P

adam warren /21/Uk proud to be level 61 Night elf hunter after 5 months:P... lol

This message was done in the best possible of taste :) x 24/7






I know what you mean though... The day after it came out, I saw lvl 20-30 draenei's running around, I was like, wtf, lol... So, I decided to buy the game myself... Nothing too spectacular with the new race, though they were interesting to play with the new quests and all... plus, I like the new jewelcrafting profession, thought that was awesome.

Mr. Tipton: Have you ever held a leadership position?
Ernest P. Worrell: I had a ant farm once.


why are you so concerned with how other people spend their time?

"I'm just gonna KILL YA!" - "Sleepy" John Eindez


kill yourself, casual.

go play your casual xbox live and gtfo my WoW


You know you paly too much WoW when your wifes pants are a rare drop.
63 Tauren Hunter. Mooove it alng there, buddy! LOL


You know you paly too much WoW when your wifes pants are a rare drop.


Tard :p People can spend as much time on WoW each day as others may use on reading a book or watch TV, it is social too if you speak to the other players trough VT/TS or the in-game chat wich came out last patch.
If you have played that long and are that low on lvl you are a slacker. So you go get a life instead of spend time to write that wall of text - crap you just wrote.



if you don't play regularly, then it's easy to not level. I've had WOW for nearly a year, and i'm only lvl 40. *shrug* It doesn't matter. This doesn't show the 3 month hiatus I had, to prove that I wasn't addicted to the damn thing.....

If you want to bach people, go jump off a cliff. It means we don't have to worry about it.

I'll bring destruction on you all........after my nap.

