MovieChat Forums > Crush on U (2007) Discussion > Please Congatulate Me...

Please Congatulate Me...

For some reason... (I don't think I'll ever really know) I wasted the time to watch this horrific display of attempted "entertainment".
I mean I love watching really bad movies, but this was just so incredibly bad that it went past the "so bad it's good" to "wow, this has to be the *beep* thing ever filmed"

The acting was atrocious and it looked like it was filmed with a hand held camera.

I think I would compare the acting abilities to a porno, I take that back, there are porn actors that are better actors than this.

I'm so disgusted that films like this are being distributed...

I feel that if I type anymore, it would just make me think about how crappy this 'movie' was and therefore would make me sick to my stomach for that much longer...



Oh, I'll congratulate you, all right.

WIth a one-up...


I had a good laugh over your post... *wiping the tears from my under my eyes*


this post still makes me laugh!!!!!!!!!!



I'm glad my post has brought a smile to your face and a chuckle to your heart.
(If a heart could chuckle, do you think it would hurt?)


My first reply was in May 2007 and I still loving reading these posts nearly 2 years on


listen *beep*
forrest is my cousin and best friend. yes, she knows this movie is ATTROCIOUS, but it was only meant to give her credits and to promote her. she has more talent than i'm sure you will EVER have. what is the point to sit here and write about how bad this movie is? there is none. so go write in your online blog and get a life.


Thank you for reading my post.

Also I never claimed to have any "talent" (even though I'm told I have the singing voice of an angel) :)

I put talent in quotations because you are loosely using the word when speaking of Forrest (whatever her last name is)...even though I wasn't talking about her performance specifically, but the "movie" in general.

I think I will now go "write in my online blog" as you so put it, and leave an entry of how some people can't accept criticism (of others) on a site meant for people to leave their comments/reviews on movies...

I think you're the one that needs to "get a life"


ALSO...ATROCIOUS only has one "t". So before you go and try to seem superior by correcting my correct spelling, please consult a dictionary.



After two years I just realized I had a typo on the subject.... wow, how did I not notice "congatulate" Congratulate me now, for discovering a mistake I made two years ago. :)


Congratulations!!!!! I love this thread. I only hope that when I come back to it in 20 Years time I can laugh all over again


Brilliant. Again this does not fails to make me laugh.

I want to print off the reviews and comments of this movie and read in bed everynight.

In fact, I'm printing them off now.
