that was creepy

i enjoyed it and it made me jump in places, i didnt realise it was a two parter. cant wait for tomorrows episode. the cast were superb.


Its three parts isn't it? Yeah I agree. It was very creepy!



Dunno but she played Rebecca in Eastenders.


Eveybody need to get voting so we can see the voting score


I don't know if it was the same girl, but if she did play Rebecca in EE, her name is Jade Sharif.


I missed the final episode! Can anyone tell me what happened in part three??
Many thanks in advance!!


Part 3 focussed on Rosie as a little girl. Janet (Charles Dance's First wife and Rosie's mother) discovered she was pregnant with a second child. Rosie not pleased and didn't want brother or sister. Rosie (while looking cute) generally hinted to be unstable brat - running across roads wildly, chasing pigeons aggressively etc.

Janet's friend Wendy moves in with them after leaving her husband (Peter Capaldi). Rosie tells friend she wants an angel for her birthday. Friend buys a rag doll and makes it an angel type dress. Rosie v. pleased but asks where its wings are.

Grandfather (Janet's dad) has beginings of dementia but mostly seems lucid but a bit child like. Rosie whisphers something in his ear at birthday party after commenting on lack of angel wings.

Rosie portrayed as having close bond with her grandfather and constantly trying to get her father's attention which he withholds - distracted by his desired to get treasure's job in the Cathedral which he fails to. Marriage is under strain as a result. Janet appears not to be coping very well with pregnancy and dealing with Rosie and her husband.

Bunch of pigeon wings (literally severed from birds) found down back of bookcase starting to smell. Grandfather blamed. Friend Wendy speculates whether Rosie asked him to get her wings.

Grandfather gets upset about something and says he wish he were dead.
Grandfather found dead with throat cut. Police observe that he was right handed so couldn't have done it himself. Everyone interviewed.

Janet taken to hospital and looses baby. Janet commits suicide leaving note saying ' I killed my father. Couldn't take it any more'.

Wendy takes Rosie for ice cream and notices angel's dress is missing. Asks what happened to it. Rosie says 'got grandfather's tomato ketchup on it'. Admits mother knew and cut up dress and chucked it down loo. Friend tells Rosie never to tell anyone about it.

Cut back to modern day. Wendy tells Charles Dance she is to blame. She kept it quiet to protect Rosie and so that Janet's sacrifice (her sucide) wouldn't be in vain.

Also sub-plot involving the Youlgreves (weirdy poetry writer in Roth). Friend gets job in cathedral and starts reading journals. Discovers something about 2 children and sacrifices. Track down the boy who is now aged and says his sister was adopted. Go and see Lady Youlgreve who at first is evasive and then claims to be the adopted sister. All a bit odd and never quite resolved about whether Francis Youlgreve did kill a child/children. Through Youlgreve investigation, Wendy reconciles with her husband Capaldi.


many thanks EsmeraldaHugo!


Many thanx too. I'd rather read you than watch the programme.
