Sasha Alexander Question

This is for anyone who may have worked with Sasha Alexander during the filming of The Last Lullaby, or any other production for that matter. The IMDB information for Sasha has made some changes over the past year or so... Some I don't care, but it seems funny to me that they keep changing her height. It was listed as 5'5" for a while, then changed to 5'6", and has now been changed to 5'7".

So, my question is, How tall is Sasha Alexander? Someone who has seen her in person might be able to provide a close guess. It's just funny to me that this info keeps changing in her IMDB site info.



ummm.......Who the hell cares?!

"No true fiasco ever began as a quest for mere adequacy" - Drew Baylor (Elizabethtown)


I'd say she's about 5'6"


Thanks, steve-wilson-3!
