A Review

Holiday in Handcuffs: A Review Based on a Preview I Just Saw....

Holiday in Handcuffs is a delightful, feel good, Christmas romp filled with extrordinarily unlikely albeit hillarious situational comedy bits. The movie begins with a simple enough concept as old as movies themselves. Clarissa (best know for explaining it all), plays a moderately attractive women with a hectic work life and an unfair amount of pressure to find love from by her happily married parents (and probably sibling). With all the hustle and bustle of her high stress job however, she has thus far been unsuccessful. Oh no! But wait, as shes leaving the road side restaraunt on her way home she sees AC Slater (best known for his work as Greg Louganis in Breaking the Surface: The Greg Louganis Story) and in a flash of recklessness she decides to kidnap him with a gun that we'll later learn didn't even work?!? (Think The Chase but with better acting) Needless to say Slater is a hit, and over the weekend it becomes less of a hostage situation and more of a blossoming romance. In the end the cops get involved, but AC clears Clarissa's name and as the credits roll AC and Clarissa are seen kissing. Also Let My Love Open the Door by Pete Townsen will probably play during at least two different scenes.... happy viewing.


I surprisingly enjoyed this movie!!

What if this is As Good As It Gets?
(horrified gasps)


I Liked it too...silly... but cute... :)


You people make my brain hurt.


Take an aspirin

With all the crazy things that are going on in this world, it is nice to just sit bit and relax and enjoy a light hearted comedy

And Mario is easy on the eyes!

What if this is As Good As It Gets?
(horrified gasps)




That is a pretty good review based on the commercial, but the commercial only gives you a superficial feel for the elements at play. I actually watched the film, and this is how it went down (SPOILERS):

The life of delusional psychopath Sabrina (of teen witch fame) is falling apart. Her narcissism won’t allow her to accept the fact that she is a complete failure, and she turns to violent crime to regain her sense of power and self-worth. The unlucky target of her twisted aims, the host of MTV’s America’s Best Dance Crew, is kidnapped at gunpoint and taken as a trophy to show off at a family Christmas gathering. We quickly learn that Sabrina’s family is just as demented as she is. Their feigned obliviousness to the victim’s plight wreaks havoc on his mental state, and the constant threat of a tortuous death begins to wear down his will to resist. The story really takes off after the kidnapped host’s multiple failed escape attempts. His final descent from strained sanity to total psychosis is riveting for the viewer, and we can only guess what is really going on behind his jittery smiles and darting eyes. Is his compliance a ploy to stay alive long enough to exact bloody revenge? Is he so psychologically damaged that he will really leave his loving fiancé for his monstrous abductor and her warped family? Does he really like playing football in the snow? You have to watch to the end to find out!
