i hated it

I have to admit, I hated it because of the anti-male themes, but would have liked it better if the writers had have focus on one character and made her
real and sympathetic, instead of four bitchy ones.


Well, some shows start out like that but do straighten out. I don't know if you watch Grey's Anatomy, but that show was very anti-male at the beginning, but it's grown since. And in CM's defense, Zoe's husband is remaining loyal and supports her. Also, Mia's 2 second fiance never represented any horribly outstanding anti-male traits you speak of. I think the women need a little work though, they've got a start with Zoe, she's real every once and a while but I do agree with you on that one. The show does revolve around high powered, career driven women though. We'll just see how this show develops over time. It's still just a baby.

Life is tough, after all it kills you . -Katharine Hepburn


what were these anti males themes you cry about? Maybe powerful women just threaten you and it's touched a nerve...


They're not bitchy. Now, I'm not the type of person who usually says this and I can't believe I'm going to, but if a man did what they did it wouldn't be bitchy or even question.

They're strong women who are in a man's world and trying to survive.

Life comes at you fast, but you can't cry about it.
"Dan Otto"


To answer your question (if a man did what they did it wouldn't be bitchy or even question), yes we would call them JERKS.


I despised the first episode, but thought I would give the second episode a chance. It didn't get any better. It's so corny. Lacks the wittiness of SATC. Instead there is just a lot whining from characters I can't stand.


My exact point, I like strong female characters (even bitchy ones,i.e. Samantha Jones), but the women on this show are just not likeable.


The common theme in this show "and I assume Lipstick Jungle) is that men are threatened by successful women (which I really don't think is true anymore) and that they never have time for their personal lives because they have to work so hard at their careers. I can't help but wonder if they would have more time to focus on their families and other personal lives if they did not seem to be getting together every day for breakfast/lunch/dinner/drinks to gripe.


I don't really see any b*tchiness in any of the characters. There are circumstances where they can be harsh, but in general they all seem pretty good hearted. Mia isn't really the maneater that everyone makes her out to be, she's just very focused on her job. Juliet may be slightly icy but she has shown that she is actually really quite warm and just puts a front on to protect herself. Zoe is really just focused and seems to be a great person in general. She has some problems, but I think she understands what her priorities are and tries to get a good handle on things. Catilin hasn't been a b*tch either, she's mostly just confused and lovable. I don't think any of them have really shown any real super b*tchiness to be honest. They're flawed but they nice people in general. They may come off as really professional, but that's how they have to be.

The spirit is eternal, deathless...


You are entitle to your opinion of course.

If you don't like this show then stop watching it.
