What I Loved and Hated

The whole Melanie sequence troubles me. Coming from college I think you would have more than one bag. Exactly how long was she staying for? I know for a fact my mama would not let me bring my boyfriend with me- at least not to stay. Doesnt he have family? I was agitated whenever baby's age was referenced. Okay we get it MaDears baby boy is growing up Shut Up gosh LOL. Who let him get a motorcycle anyway? He cant have a camera but he can drive a motorcycle. A nice one at that. Get real!

I loved the dance sequences and I loved when Malcolm got his butt whipped LOL


I thought that was a motor scooter...those are still dangerous though, because a young lady I know (21 years old I think) got in an accident on her scooter when some old lady driving a car hit her. Fortunately the young lady is okay. But yeah, I think that was a scooter that Chris Brown was riding in the movie.

"I'd be very happy to be myself if I could remember who I am. Who am I?"
