um what am i watching?

i turned on what i thought would be a nice christmas movie and I'm a little confused. Guns, people getting arrested, other stuff that makes no sense. um what? to be fair though, there are some fine lookin ladies in this movie.


Why focus on the negative, which is outweighed by the positive?

"I'd be very happy to be myself if I could remember who I am. Who am I?"


I have to respectfully disagree- I think the gun, arrest, conflicts/personality conflicts and everything else were explained quite well in the story line.

Maybe you missed some of those details- I know I do that a lot because I am usually doing two or three things while watching a movie. For some reason this movie had my attention the whole way through. I thought it was great!


ZZZZZ was what I did when I saw this film.

Million Dollar Baby Academy Award® Winner for Best Picture of 2004


LMAO me too but It's growing on me now. Im actually starting to like it.


Family came from all er to get together for Xmas. they brought their personal lives with them and as a family they dealt with them together. Very, very good movie and this isnt my type of movie. Well acted, well written.
