MovieChat Forums > This Christmas (2007) Discussion > Chris Brown was so Horrible Nearly Ruine...

Chris Brown was so Horrible Nearly Ruined The Whole Movie

his acting was cringe inducing, it was painful, they should have found a better actor.

Nice ending though

Last movie Seen
Control 8/10
This Christmas 5/10
What Happens in Vegas 4/10


I want to agree with you, but the fact is - his character wasn't written all that well in the first place. His character is the typical "let's just make the baby of the family in the stages where hes all grown up and getting all the nice, young females and let's not give him any character development whatsoever."

The character itself would make any actor look silly


The reason his character would be appealing to so many young ladies is because he seemed to be a nice kid. I've seen Chris Brown on talk shows and he seems like a nice young man.

"I'd be very happy to be myself if I could remember who I am. Who am I?"



I'm old enough to be Chris Brown's pops and I'm a big fan. I think someone should have kicked his pops' butt long time ago for abusing Chris' mom. I heard about that when Chris was on Tyra Banks' show. No wait, he said that it wasn't his pops, but some other dude she was with.

"I'd be very happy to be myself if I could remember who I am. Who am I?"



Yep...I'll be 42 next September and I was 40 when I saw "This Christmas" for the first made me an instant fan of Chris Brown. I say I'm old enough to be his pops...but my mom had an older brother who was 23 years older than their youngest sister...and I am 21 years and 7+ months older than he could be my little brother lol...though I think I'm actually a couple of years older than his mom.

"I'd be very happy to be myself if I could remember who I am. Who am I?"


Chris Brown was cast because of his popularity with the young black crowd. Young ANY crowd for that matter. He represents the mainstream pop audience, and they buy movie tickets. His acting was indeed horrible and seemed so forced. But had they casted a better actor, such as the young man who was the lead in The Great Debators (Nate Parker). It wouldn't have drawn in as many moviegoers. Young teenage girls who go out to the movies in groups and such. Screaming whenever Chris Brown appears. Also, Brown's character can sing! and damn good. Just like Chris Brown himself. So obviously that's a plus, and it kind of made up for his bad acting. But lets face it, he was cast for his celebrity, not acting chops.


Duh!! Since Chris Brown was in the movie it better sound like him singing. I had never seen him nor heard him sing until this movie and it made it enjoyable for me all the more, since I like several of the other people who were in the movie, including Loretta Devine, Sharon Leal and Lauren London...and let's not forget Regina King.

"I'd be very happy to be myself if I could remember who I am. Who am I?"


Don't duh me old man. Just because your a 45 year old Chris Brown fan and you like to borrow your 11 year old daughter's CD's and sing along.

reply're no good at math and I have no children at my nieces aren't into Chris Brown.

"I'd be very happy to be myself if I could remember who I am. Who am I?"



You can't condemn someone who hasn't been proven guilty in a court of law. You're not God.

"I'd be very happy to be myself if I could remember who I am. Who am I?"



You've already got him guilty without really knowing what really transpired. Only God, Chris Brown and Rihanna really know what happened.

"I'd be very happy to be myself if I could remember who I am. Who am I?"



The thing that gripes me though, is that most people are willing to believe the media reports, most of which are reporters' sensationalized versions of stories. Plus it's not really anyone's business except the parties involved. If a person claims to be a Christian, yet we don't personally know that person, I feel that it's more the job of fellow Christians who are close to the person to intervene. The Bible says "Ye shall know them by their fruits," meaning fruit of the spirit. But if you don't know them personally and don't know exactly what happened, it's best to stay out of it and ignore the worldly media reports.

"I'd be very happy to be myself if I could remember who I am. Who am I?"



What's fishy to me is that her face didn't look bruised at all when she finally supposedly broke her silence...if Chris had beaten her as badly as was reported, she would not have healed up so quickly nor shown her face publicly. Still we don't know how much of the story is true.

"I'd be very happy to be myself if I could remember who I am. Who am I?"



I saw the picture. But then like I said, when she "broke her silence," in a video on Myspace (she didn't say a word; it was all said by a news correspondent), her face looked unharmed.

Anyone who is experienced with Photoshop can make a photo online look worse than what the case may have really been. I myself was once the victim of online harrassment, when someone I befriended online (on a site called which now no longer exists) turned on me by taking a photo of me that was posted on another site (whereas I'd given the site owner permission to post the photo of me on her site, not the jerk who altered it on his site afterward) and imposed my head on someone else's body to make fun of me. So I know that online photos can be doctored...but I don't think streaming videos can.

"I'd be very happy to be myself if I could remember who I am. Who am I?"



To me it's very suspicious because when I saw Rihanna on the video on Myspace, she looked as if she had not been hurt. And around where I live, if you try to say someone hit you and you don't have a mark on you, the cops will think you're crazy.

"I'd be very happy to be myself if I could remember who I am. Who am I?"



i disagree! as someone who reviewed this movie said, he was the saving grace. he brought a really fresh presence to the movie!


Not surprising, he was the worst actor in the movie. And that includes "Dude"



I don't see what ya'll are talking about o.o He's acting was quite nice in this film.

Will Scarlett has stolen my heart.


I did'nt like this movie anyway,but i agree chris brown made it worse.


Aw, I thought he was really believable as the baby of the family. But what can I say- I'm a sucker for movies about large families.


It would have been more compelling had they made him or Columbus short gay. But I know writers of these types of films will never get risque.

Not I said the cat...




Okay, so maybe it was wishful thinking.

Not I said the cat...
