Please Answer Please!

I need help!!I got this game for xmas from my cousin and I'm stuck!I killed all those police officers at the Butchers Shop or whatever.Then I ran the opposite way of where the helicopter was and I have gone to Pier 19 and don't have any idea what to do!Please Answer Quickly!


Oh yeah I had a real hard time with that too.
In fact when I got it for christmas, that was my second time playing and I got stuck all over again.


I'm assuming your trying to find Harry. Okay go to Whitefish Alley, find the pool hall. The entrance to the pool hall is like one of those basement entrances where you have to walk down a short flight of stairs to get to it. Before you go in put away your guns cause they'll shoot at you if you go in flashing them around and that really is just alot of trouble. Just go through there and when you exit talk to Matty.
After that, your good to go.

Hope that helps.


Thanks for all that info,I apriciate it but I already passed that part.Now I got a new question.I went to Jimmy The Grape and Jenny and he told me to go down to Grinders Lane(I think) but I'm not sure I was suposed to..where was a supposed to go?


So you went to Grinder's Lane?
Yeah that's where your supposed to go if it's after the bombing.
Talk to the hippie guy and he'll talk to you about how to get into the compound behind him. (which is essentially breaking this electronic box behind the gate.
If you face the compound from the front gates which is just down the corner from the subway. The box is on the right side wall.
Send a creeper up over the wall and break the box and it's pretty straightforward shooting from there.

Is that what you were asking?


Ya I did that.But when I went back to the station,Jimmy The Grape says "Go,I'll stay with Jenny" I don't know what to do after I kill those guys inside the warehouse and lot.


did you burn all the money?
That's how you beat the level. You find the room with the gasoline then you take it to the locked room full of money and torch it.


Thanxs!I did that!


Suprise,suprise!I need help again!Ok,some dude told me to run to the Hills and never look back.I did!but there's a freakin' bell in the way!How am I supposed to get by the bell!


In the sewers system right in the hell level?
If you devoured enough hearts at the beggining of the hell level you should have gained the new darkness power demon arm.
Just equip demon arm, you can do that by clicking the down button on your controller and use it to lift the bell out of the way.


oh and I'm not sure if you know this already but once you do gte to the hills and you shoot at the soilders they tend to pop up after a few seconds of lying down but if you devour their hearts right after they go down then they won't come back up.
Once again not sure if you already knew that, that's just something I really wish I had known when I first got the game.


Yea I knew that.I have one more lil tiny question....After I found the crucifed guys where do I go?I keep going striaght and when I do a lightning bolt or whatever hits me and I go to where the crucified guys were.Why does it do this and where do I go?


I have no idea why the lightning thing does what it does.
So have you found the crucified guys and gotten the guns?
If your're trying to find the crucified guys just keep walking until lightning comes and there's a hill in front of you.

If you have already found them and have gotten your guns and listened to the crucified's little speech about the darkness, there should be a path down from the hill. ( I think it's by some ruined houses but I'm not sure) When you find the path just walk down it until you get back to what looks like a bunker and it will take you back to the village where anthony is. The lighting shouldn't hit you if you're on the path.

I want *bananas* with my waffles.


Ummmm..yea I did that,and I'm back in the city.Sorry for you wasting your time typing.But I figured it out.Now where is Gun Hill?Is it at Pier 19,Canal Street or what?


If you go to fulton steet and look across the tracks you'll see a service entrance door. Go there and that leads to Gun Hill.

I want *bananas* with my waffles.


Ok thanks!



I'm at a part where there's a man trapped in a box and I found a vent where the crawler thingy fits but when it form into the crawler thingy he doesn't go in!So is there another way?


Oh is this Ernie Deval?
Are you outside the room or are you in the room with the caged man?

If your outside put the crawler thing through the vent thing and get it to unlock the door and walk trhrough the wires and enter.

If you've already done all that and the guy in the cage is shooting at you, you don't need the crawler at all. Just go to the fence part at your right and shoot out the locks then jump up and shoot him.

Then you just use your new black hole power to lift the gate behind him.

I want *bananas* with my waffles.


I try to put the crawler in the vent but he doesn't go in.




Ok I passed that.Now I've just been caught by Eddie Shotre and I died.Now I'm like in the middle of nowhere with a big machine.I walked across some log and ended up on another side and a plane coms by and kills me.What do I do?


Man you really don't like puzzle games do you...
