MovieChat Forums > The Darkness (2007) Discussion > The Perfect Actor To Play Jackie Estacad...

The Perfect Actor To Play Jackie Estacado/The Darkness In A Movie

i always wondered if there was an actor out there that could portray Jackie and The Darkness down to the bone, dark and gritty a true bada$$

Joaquin Phoenix as THE DARKNESS


Dont think he could do a "perfect" Jackie :P

Dont complaining about Joaquin, i think he's a great actor. But i dont think he looks.. erm.. evil enough to play Jackie..


are you kidding me, didn't you see gladiator, his eyes are perfect, he seems like he could pull it off, hell he was the man in black johnny cash


He could, if he can pull of a mafian accent... Other than that... he looks great for the role.


i have faith that he could


I think Michael Wincott would be great in this role.


michael would have been good many years ago, but not now, hes way too old


True. I thought that after I posted the comment. As remembered Jackie is only meant to be 21.


He might be a bit old but clive owen would be good, i'm just trying to think who'd be young but sinister too...the thing about the character of jackie is that eh i sonly 21 but he looks alot older than that, he always has done, i think christian bale would be a good choice, if he could pull of the mafioso accent anyway


bale would have been cool, but hes something better then the darkness, hes the Dark Knight, phoenix has the sinister edge to him, which he displayed in gladiator


What about the man who actually voiced him, he looks like him but i never saw him act


kirk, i believe his name is, i think hes spanish in real life, but who knows, i think he could pull it off, not sure


There is only one man to play Jackie Estacado both physically and emotionally.

That man is Barry Pepper.,%20Barry

Look it's all there. Just add long hair.

That background even looks like Pier 19.

It's providence I tell you. He IS Jackie Estacado.



i personally think jackie resembles John Cusack... the eyes do anyway.... but Cusack is WAY too old.


as far as looks kenau reeves

but hes a terrible actor so ............... LOL


Here's your Jackie Estacado


Barry Pepper? Maybe, if he wasn't almost 40 y/o.

Jackie is 21 y/o. I know modern film makeup works wonders, but some credulity would play out better for the audiences.

Just for laughs: how about Jonathan Davis??? That's the first person who jumped into my mind when I saw Jackie doing his cut-scene monologue. Honestly, there are a 1,000 better actors for Jackie than J. Davis, but I'm just saying, just for laughs.

Michael Wincott, Christian Bale, Clive Owen; all too old.

Perhaps an up and coming actor never heard of before. They work better than big Hollywood names.


The whole Jackie being 21 thing was the only thing I did not like about the premise of The Darkness.

Even in the comics and games, Jackie comes across being more mature than 21. Besides.. How a 21 year old gets bumped up to number 1 hitman for the mob seems far-fetched.

And Christian Bale, I think with Batman already under his bat-belt there is no way he'd go down the ladder to something like Darkness. That being said, The Darkness is a fantastic premise for a story.

No Boll. No WS Anderson.

Top 3 picks for director would be Nolan, Guillermo Del Toro and Robert Rodriguez (Sin City looked gorgeous.)


your all wrong Cillian Murphy should play jackie Estacado.


Cillian Murphy maybe. But he looks to benevolent to be a mafia hitman.


look at batman begins he was f@ck'in scary and he may not look too violent but he's such a fine actor he's preformance more than makes up for it.


what about the guy who played Kraven in Underworld, Shane Brolly? i reckon he could do a pretty decent portrayal of Estacado.

"i remember the first war, the way the sky burned..."


Wow, the only choice that comes to mind for me is Criss Angel. It seems pretty obvious...he'd be perfect for the role.


Thats a good point.
