Two questions

I have two questions:

1) Has anyone ever completed that side task where the tourist throws the coins onto the train tracks and you pick them up? I only managed to get two or so then I have to get out the way.

2) When you turn on the television wherever you are, the cartoons come on. Anyone know the name of the first cartoon that always comes on?

Sarge: I only drink the blood of my enemies...and occasionally a Strawberry Yoohoo.


[1] Yes, I got all the achievements, posted a lot back here in 2007.
[2] GATSBY. It's a rather old cartoon. Most of the shows on the television were not licensed when THE DARKNESS was being made so they used them because they didn't have to pay licensing fees.. Ironically, right after its release "To Kill A Mocking Bird" and "Flash Gordon" were licensed for DVD release.
