Anthony *Spoilers*

When you kill the big bad thing with the gattling gun you go and talk to anthony for ages... he talks about lots of rubbish then he says 'I can feel something inside me, its moving' anyone know what this was in reference to? Then the darkness pulls him down through the ground.

Also I wondered what happened if when you'r fighting the darkness if instead of just walking up to it and absorbing it, what happened if you accepted it?

Also did anyone not shoot Paulie at the end? I tried by shooting him in the foot, but it still killed him.

Not a bad game, took a while to get into it and the darkness powers weren't required as often as I felt they could have been. So we were just left with a shootem up really. Also strange how no one in the game was freaked out by the mass of black tentacles and evil heads coming out of our boy Jackie.


Walking into the Darkness is accepting it, it's like the subways: you can either walk into the train or press A at the door.

If you leave Paulie alive, he crawls over to a gun and starts shooting at you, you're forced to kill him or die yourself.


I am not sure about the first two things you mentioned, but I tried not shotting Paulie at the end, what happens is Paulie shoots you and you die, then you have to start over from your last check point.


with regards to Anthonys message i dont think there is an answer apart from the developers of course. I have The Darkness Ultimate Collection graphic novel and Anthony isnt in it (nor is Captain Schrote) so the only people who know i imagine are from Top Cow or the game developers.

Outta the way Peck!
