Death Sentence..

Is it just me??

Cause it sounds an awful lot like "Death Sentence" to me...
I'm about to watch it...


in my mind its better then Death Sentence as the story is more varied and unique. Death Sentence was much more predictable as it was more similar to Death Wish. my opinion anyway.


Death Sentence was based on the book sequel to Death Wish. The Death Wish movies abandoned the book after the 1st movie.


i had "saw 3" in mind, about the guy who gets help to kill the killer of his son.


similar beginning, but the 2nd part is not the same

Q: When is a feminist, not a feminist?
A: When the lifeboats are lowered.


Yeah, the plot synopsis is way off. This movie is nothing like Death Sentence or The Brave One. It's only similar for a brief part of the film.


i agree with the saw 3! felt like a bit a rip off..


It's amazing that you created this topic because when searching for this movie on this site, I accidentally entered the title as Death Sentence.
