MovieChat Forums > Muoi (2007) Discussion > Really Good Movie! But I have a few ques...

Really Good Movie! But I have a few questions [Contains Spoilers]

Poor Muoi...and also poor Seo-yeon [those a-holes..both the guy she liked and his b*tch of a girlfriend]. Not only did Muoi have her legs crippled and acid splashed on her face [bottles of acid are easy to find in that area, huh? haha] but the person she loved the most had a helping hand in banishing her in a painting. While watching that particular scene, I couldn't help but feel more sorry for her. That rich b*tch [you can tell that this movie affected me emotionally?] seemed to have it easy..I mean she did these horrible things to her and she pretty much got away clean whereas towards the end, we get to see Seo-yeong get her sweet, sweet revenge against the ones who did her wrong.

The main question I wanted to ask was.. did Muoi's "lover" ever find out what happened to her [the tortures that his wife did]? I think the dialogue after Muoi's disfigurement went along the lines of she didn't want him to see her burned face, and she kept away from him, so he went back to his fiancee to get married? To me, it seems like he didn't know the whole story behind Muoi's anger. I highly doubt his wife would tell him that she hurt Muoi.

What do you guys think?


It's not really told that he knew of Muoi's torture or not. But, it's possible that he came to find out about it. Actually, it could be that he just dumped her, anyway. After Muoi killed herself, the grudge ghost was tricked and banished in the portrait, and the lover didn't really seem to be all too sympathetic or broken up about it.


I took it as a parallel with the girl in the present, he knew at that point. But why let a grudge ghost wander around killing people?

Dear Vorenus, I don't **** your wife.

-Erinne "Rome"


My questions are much like yours. We don't get enough information about Muoi and her lover. Just that he left her and returned to his fiancée. Then the fiancee discovered her man had been having an affair with Muoi so she took that horrible revenge with acid and the broken legs. After that, it seems unclear. Did Muoi's ghost torment her ex-lover and his fiancee? Or was she just "available for hire" as a grudge ghost? Then the ex shows up and begs Muoi's spirit to return so he can complete the painting, and that's how the spirit was trapped in the painting. And of course at the end the fiancee (or wife by now) comes and puts her arms around her man -- salt in the wound. So my feeling is ----- the original ex-lover and his fiancee who had Muoi's legs broken and splashed acid in her face -- they were never sufficiently punished.

My last question is about the author girl (You Jeun? The one with short hair.). At the end she is possessed by Muoi, and she takes revenge on the men and that mean girlfriend who filmed the rape. So, is the little author gone, and Muoi will just go on and live her whole life as this other woman? Or does Muoi float away and give back the body?

I liked the movie. It was complex enough that I wanted to keep watching. But not so complex that I just gave up.
