MovieChat Forums > Chuck (2007) Discussion > Only Quibble With the Show...

Only Quibble With the Show...

Since it's my last chance. :( The writers did Anna so wrong. It's okay they wanted to create humorous drama with Casey, but Anna's send off on the show was unfair to a longstanding, fun character.


I know right? And even though she returned for one episode in season three, you would think she would have been there to actually serve a purpose in that episode. Instead every scene was just her trying to talk to Morgan.


Exactly! And even then, it was just a chance to let Morgan reject her. Just not a nice way to send her off. She stuck with Morgan through a lot.


Sadly, that was a financial decision. I wish they had kept her around, too, but the show really veered away from substantive Buy More subplots during much of season 3 (Chuck vs the Beard aside).

Although to be fair, we did get a lot of comedy gold from Casey losing his mind about his daughter dating Morgan.

"You lost your mind?"
"According to my last psych evaluation...yes."---Con Air


Just wish that they would have sent her off better if they were going to do it. Something to stay true to the character that had already been built. Wish it would have turned out that she did get taken in as an agent after Casey's call, and stayed away from Morgan for that reason.

To Love and win is the best thing. To Love and lose, the next best.


I know. Anna carrying around a box, begging Morgan to take her back wasn't very Anna-like. It would have been amazing if they had followed up on the episode where Casey called in a background check on Anna Wu for field work. THAT would have been wonderful. The writers gave every significant original cast member a decent send off except for Anna Wu.

Love the show - even the finale! STILL tear up when I hear Rivers and Roads!!

All these replies jumbled for some reason, but I replied to everyone. Thanks for responding. :)


It was funny and I didn't excessively mind Morgan and Anna broke up even though I liked her a lot better than Casey's daughter, just the disrespectful way they did it.


Even Harry Tang got a better send-off, and he was only in a handful of episodes



Anna? Her skirts always distracted me.
