Who was a worse person?

Mr. G or Ja'mie? Which do you think was more self-centered and an overall bad person?

I asked for ketchup, I'm eating salad here!



Mr G. Ja'mie was definitly self-centered but she atleast tried to bring fun to these people. Even tho she insulted them all several times. She kept saying how just because they don't go to a public school it doesn't mean you can't have fun. She was just deluded by stereotypes and extremely self-centered.

Mr G on the other hand knew what he was doing, all he cares about is himself. He got the special kids removed from their learning center so he could build his multi million drama complex. He went out of his way to insult every kid, he took all his anger out on Rodney his best friend and he abused basically everyone.


Plus Mr. G is older and should know better.
