MovieChat Forums > New Amsterdam (2008) Discussion > thats it! im done watching any new shows...

thats it! im done watching any new shows on fox.

they always cancel new shows like whats the point of watching?



FOX will not touch its animated shows on Sunday. It's the dramas that have the problem. Fringe and Dollhouse are the next two experiments--FOX has only had 2 sci fi dramas go more than a season-- X-Files and Millennium.


Fox sucks sometimes. Never give new shows a chance.


fringe looks good but i wont bother itll never last more then a season.


Dude, Dark Angel had 2 seasons, and they brought the cancellation on themselves.


I said the same thing when they canceled "Drive", yet I gave "New Amsterdam" a shot anyway. Big mistake. I'm with you dude, no more Fox new shows. I'll wait until it lasts 3 seasons & is released on DVD to give Fox any shot with a new show. They might as well start showing reruns of Married With Children during primetime.

If you only knew the power of the Dark Side!


It's not just fox that does this. Other stations do the same and I personally find it annoying. There have been quite a few shows that I love get canceled.

Si vis pacem, para bellum.
