looks brutal

vinny jones will probably have a terrible irish accent in this!


Can't wait to see it only for Nora!


Why would he?
English accents are not too far from Irish. LOL
I'm Irish and I get mistaken for someone from England all the time.

Chick who flicks.


Vinnie Jones can't act, but he got round the need for an Irish accent in Johnny Was (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0426501/), and he was actually supposed to be Irish in that, it was just written in to the script that he'd moved as a kid. The best accent in the whole of Johnny Was was Lennox Lewis' Saarf London Jamaican. From the trailer for Bog Bodies, Vinnie sounds as Saarf London as ever.

This movie can't be worse than Shrooms. My friends now think my family comes from a third word country, rather than it's European neighbour.


He doesn't, and it's not.
