What is this exactly?

Is it film of some of their stage shows??

Last movie seen: Interview with the Assassin (2002) *******



no no no

what it is is this...

its two halfs, the first half is various sketches with the legs akimbo team auditioning all the residents of Roysten Vasey for the Christmas Nativity.

things go wrong and during the interval (i dont want to say why, it spoils it) the locals put on a panto instead of a nativity. the panto is very good. the main dissapointment for me was, there were so many musical numbers, but i dunno whether its down to copyrite or what but they only sing the first line then it cuts to the next shot. i dunno whether they sung it all on stage or not

songs include:

+Extended rendition of the Denton's cleanliness song
+Pauline singing "Its raining pens"
+Micky and Pauline Singing "Hey Micky"
+Pauline and Kathy Carter Smith singling "Sisters"
+Line of Les McQueen singing his own track (but only first line)

i think thats it, i cant remember any futher songs, im sure Tubbs sings one at the end but i forget

Oh yeh, we also get to find out the shocking truth about Papa Lazarous REAL wife Dave (scroll down if you wanna find out the truth!)


its Babs! her name was Dave before the op! its her who Lazarou is always looking for as his wife! he knew Dave wanted a sex change, but had no idea what he looked like as a woman! lol. he doesnt find out until someone orders a cab!
