Dark forest

Not bad. I gave it a 6/10.

http://asian-horror-movies.com/ <-- Watch asian horror movies here and join thier forum.


I don't agree with the guy/gal that posted that the movie was dumb, boring or whatever...I have seen dumber movies than this. I think it had suspense and at least kept me wondering why this people were being killed in horrid manner (the girl being raped and stabbed at the same time, ouch).



I agree with you, I didnt hate it but I would think twice about including it in my collection.



My favorite of the four is Hidden Floor but the one that scared me the most was feb 29th. D-day was scary but for other reasons.



what were the bad character decisions? Just curious.



Ah yes, now I remember! They were all a bunch of idiots. Noticed how many horror movies have idiotic moments similar to the ones you explained? I respect smart horror movies.



wasn't that bad ,but the story was boring, I saw child's eye yesterday it was creepy

= The Nemesis =
