Deltora Series Script

I've recently started working on a script for the Deltora series. Not to say that there is a movie in the works though, as I'm only doing this of my own accord. I broke it down into 4 chunks. I am aware that Rodda wants any adaptation to be unaltered, and I myself would rather watch a movie true to the books than something like Eragon, which minimized the importance of major characters and events. It just so happens though that I'm also working on a script for the Inheritance Cycle, as I feel Eragon needs to be redone in order to allow for a continuation of the series.

Anyway, here's how I've decided to break down the books:

Deltora 1 (no title yet)
Start - The Forests of Silence
End - The Shifting Sands, possibly Dread Mountain

Deltora 2 (again, no title yet)
Start - Dread Mountain or The Maze of the Beast (depends on where I end #1)
End - Return to Del

Deltora 3 (titled The Shadowlands)
- covers all 3 Shadowlands books

Deltora 4 (titled Dragons of Deltora)
- covers all 4 DoD books

I have not yet read Tales of Deltora or Secrets of Deltora, but I intend to do so in order to see if there might be anything in those books that can be incorporated into the script. I seriously doubt it in the case of Secrets of Deltora though.

Any thoughts on this, especially in regards to where to end #1 and begin #2, would be greatly appreciated.


Probably end #1 after the Shifting Sands, as that gives 4 books to each movie. I think it's a pretty good idea, and one you should get in contact with Jennifer Rowe about, see if we can make live-action DQ movies a reality!
P.S. See my suggestions for actors on this thread:


Hey Al-R35, how's the script writing going. When you're finished the first one, I'd be interested in having a look (being a big fan of the books).
