MovieChat Forums > Missionary Man (2007) Discussion > Any good reason why this or The Sheppard...

Any good reason why this or The Sheppard shouldnt be reased to thaeters?

In the past year Sony Pictures has released:

Daddy Day Camp
Are We Done Yet?
The Messengers
Running With Scissors
Catch And Release
All The Kings Men
Deuce Bigelow 2
Lords Of Dogtown
xXx: State Of The Union
Man Of The House

-These films all floped at the Box Office.(I am not saying they are bad films, they just didnt make money)

-My point is that Sony isnt affraid of loosing money, the fact is that they are used to it. Now Missionary Man & The sheppard, they are not big budget films, and lately Dolph's & Van Damme films have been better & more entertaining that any of the films mentioned above. If Sony would release this films to theaters, the least these movies would gross would be $15 million each + DVD (Reantals & Purchase) gross, + Pay-Per View + Cable and network rights.

The Studios are basicaly making up reasons like theses actors are not bankable, neither is Josh Harnett nor Ben Affleckt, But they are judge like they are bankable because they are in films like Paerl Harbor, Armaggeddon and Black Hawk Down, now lets be honest , did anyone see those films because those actors were in them? I can't remember tha last time I said to my self am dying to see the new Josh Hartnett movie, However i cant wait to see the new Dolph movie that I am going to blind-buy when it comes to DVD!!!


I'm looking forward to The Shepherd as much as anybody, more than most, and I'll definitely rent Missionary Man when it hits DVD, but I don't have any illusions about what a theatrical release would be like for these movies.

Your average person on the street isn't going to go out to see Missionary Man. The average person on the street doesn't remember who Dolph Lundgren is, and the movie's main draw is that it has frickin' Dolph Lundgren in it. Throw in the fact that the trailer is stuffed with all sorts of boring non-action and bad dialogue, and you're going to have serious trouble getting folks into the multiplexes for this one.

Now, The Shepherd comes a little closer, but the fact remains that most people think Van Damme is a joke these days. Somebody could probably cut together a really impressive trailer full of martial arts footage (provided that Van Damme hasn't cut out all the fight scenes to better highlight his dramatic performance), but people are still going to have trouble taking it seriously.

I'm not saying that Van Damme and Lundgren are never going to make it back to theaters, but I think it'll take a hell of a project to make that happen, and neither of these is that project.
