MovieChat Forums > Dance of the Dead (2008) Discussion > Great cast and crew/great film

Great cast and crew/great film

The cast and crew are great! I've worked as an extra and even though I haven't got to be involved as much as I would have liked (due to my own circumstances)--it has been a blast working with everyone. I believe it's gonna be a fun/interesting movie ....can't wait to see it! Oh yeah....Barbara's the best!!



Hey "mellen"...thanks!!!

There are some really cute and very talented actors involved...not to mention all of the talent behind the camera. Can't wait to see the final product.

Reach for the Stars


You are correct, mellen. This production, and specifically myself, was blessed to have Barbara involved. You have no idea what a relief it was for her to pat me on the back and say, "Go back to your office and I'll take care of...<insert whatever>." Particularly the gym and all the decorations!!! That was awesome!

Without her, the job would have been ten thousand times harder! Thanks, B. You did a great job and you'll get to see it on the big screen very soon I hope. Lots of love. Gravedigger.


Where there is no dream, the people perish.


I'm glad you agree--Barbara is a wonderful person and I can't wait to see the film.
You did a wonderful job yourself. Every time I saw you, you were busy as a bee/taking care of business!!
Have a great day!
Mary Ellen


Well thanks, you guys! It would be nice if the PRODUCTION team would bother to acknowledge that (among many other jobs) I was the extras casting director!

Reach for the Stars


too too it's up on the full cast and crew! haha
Reach for the Stars


That's what I do.


Where there is no dream, the people perish.


Well if the director has the same people he worked with on 'the other side' then this film is gonna kick ass. that film did wonders with a tiny budget. i'm just glad to see films being made which show that small budget doesn't always mean a bad final outcome.


To answer your question, there were quite a few of us from the previous picture so one can hope. TOS is slated for limited release now and the DVD a little later on. Keep your eye out for details on that one as well. Best Wishes and thanks for the kind words! Tintallin Out!


Where there is no dream, the people perish.


yep, the cast and crew were great, all very talented, and most were also nice people.


Except for me. I was a real jerk! Stupid PD!


Where there is no dream, the people perish.
