MovieChat Forums > I Hate My 30's (2007) Discussion > The 30s should be the best decade

The 30s should be the best decade

I think the concept of this show is lame. I am 26 right now and think it is absurd to "hate" an age that should be ones prime! The best people usually peak in their thirties. The only ones who are old in their thirties are athletes who have been worked to the extreme since their teens.

This show is what happens when you hang out with high schoolers into your thirties. Usually thirty-somethings are entered into a world where they are relatively young by comparison, but if you are a loser who still hangs with kids then of course you are going to feel old by comparison. It is not real life and it is pretty sad that this is relatable to anyone. You are not old if you are in your thirties! I have thought this since I was 19 because I think ahead.

If you are old at 30 you have only eight years after college graduation to really live.... Forget that!

My advice: do not even think about this type of crap until you are at LEAST forty. And if you spend your thirties watching shows like this, they deserve to suck.

Rant over.

reply's just a TV show.


Just because I articulated a thought about the concept of this show does not mean that I was excited about it. I just think it is lame and stated my case. I save real emotion for things that matter but when I see this show's title I get annoyed, so I thought I would vent.

(of course I guess the people who would agree with me would not even come here in the first place)


I agree with you. I thought I was old at 16 and that was just fricking... ridiculous. Im 18 now and people are freaking out like Im SOOO old. And the little 13 yr olds calling us old dont help... Im really trying to get over this misconception. It just shows how warped our society is. Im really looking forward to my 20s and I dont want them to be ruined by my thinking Im old all the time. Thats for the weak minded.


No offense, but obviously you don't get it. It used to be you had it all together in your twenties, but now the thirties are the new twenties. A lot of people are frustrated because they don't have it all together. Used to be twenties were hard and stressful, but now it's your thirties. The expectation that the thirties are supposed to be the best are the joke. I'm almost 30, have my own home, a successful marriage, and a wonderful little boy, but being a grown up is hard. I think I may hate my 30's :)


Right on. At least that makes sense of it, which I did not think possible. I read loglines about how a character will hang out with younger friends and feel bad and thought it all related into the "feeling old at 30" thing. I watch football and sometimes listen to rap and am well aware that certain segments of society deem it the end-date for youth--maybe that colored my judgement of the series. That and the loglines I read....

But I'll take your word for it. Sounds a lot better that way!

(But if you hate your thirties imagine your fifties where you will still have bills and suddenly the equipment stops working! Just saying....)


