Finally getting to watch

From episode 1 you can tell why this show failed. Network TV should have never been allowed anywhere near it. If there was ever a show designed for cable it is this one. It also might be one of the best produced (from cast to script to sets to everything) shows I have seen in some time.


Better suited for cable is a possibility.
But this show was as pleasantly produced for this subject matter as possible.
It's made for cable counterpart was "dead like me"
If you want a comparison.
Also a great show made by the same director even.
But given its toned down nature the real reason for it's failure;
At least in my opinion is that it's characters are better quality people than are typically found entertaining by our reality TV obsessed majority


Yes, Dead Like Me was done by the same director, and they are similar. I loved both of these shows! What networks were
pin headed enough to cancel two wonderful shows like this? They should be fired!



PS I have a question.

After touching the people in the morgue, reviving them, why did the Pie Man touch them again, permanently killing them? Except in the cases of extreme mutilation, why didn't he just walk away, and let them live? Am I missing something here?

