MovieChat Forums > The King of Kong (2008) Discussion > Billy Mitchels : King of Hypocrisy?

Billy Mitchels : King of Hypocrisy?

He talks about playing in public, in front of people , but when it comes to the crunch, he doesn't show up against his biggest challenger.That challenger who beat his score and had it on tape, but wasn't allowed to keep the score because it was classed as being dodgy.But what does Billy Mitchell go and do? He hands over a tape, that looks very suspicious, on the day that his high score is beaten in public by Steve.No one bats an eye-lid or questions this tape's validity, and as soon as, put his score up as the best in the World.

He's a creepy, little, geek that let a score go to his head.Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with being a geek, but he takes high score for making an ass out of himself.He thinks he's a Movie Star when in fact he's just your average Joe.

The Movie was good fun to watch, but it was very creepy at times.It seemed as though the members of Twin Galaxies were willing to do anything to keep Billy Mitchel's High Score at all costs.It was as if they didn't accept outsiders into their little cult.Especially the creepy little man running about behind Steve's back, going around telling people of his progress and keeping Billy up to date with his scores; that gave me the heebiegeebies.Creepy little guy.


Guy thinks he is it. As Steve has played live in front of a bunch of people. So it goes to show you, he is genuine and real! Billy however, is beyond full of it. I will stop right there!


my thoughts exactly. I saw this for the first time today, and jumped on IMDB as soon as i got done with work to see if other people felt how i do. Well said!!


I echo everything Buster wrote word for word. I'd only like to add it's pretty obvious that tape was doctored. Hell, he didn't even take pains to mask his tampering.

The devil take this hypocrite! But as sad as he is, I am in complete agreement, sadder still are the socially retarded children who idolize the charlatan. Brian Kuh takes social ineptitude and general nerdiness to a whole new level. He makes Steve Urkel look like Snoop Dogg.


I completely agree with everyone else, the hypocrisy of allowing a tape to be used as well as Twin Galaxy appearing to want to keep billy's score forever.
The reason I signed on though was to give kudos to monarchoftheliving for that very accurate statement about billy's b***h, brian, Snoop Dogg, I'm still laughing. Wow, just wow!


Yea, Brian Kuh is perhaps the only person in the documentary who comes off as more of a douche than Billy. As much as Billy seems driven by his own fragile ego to be a dick to Steve, Brian seems to take it even a step further in his slavish desire to please his mentor. That scene where he's commenting on Steve's play (with blatant and pathetic attempts to distract him) was just sad to watch. He just comes off as an inept toady who's let his hero-worship go too far.

And it turns out that Brian may have been lying about his backstory to everyone:!


nailed it....this is EXACTLY how i feel....the utter hypocrisy is mind blowing. The cultish attitude was astounding....the very person who essentially broke into Steve's house and tampered with his machine, then goes on to worship a tape sent in by Billy?

Whose to say that when Brian was snooping around, deconstructing Steve's machine, that he didn't plant any sort of evidence or equipment that would negatively impact Steve's success? I realize this sounds somewhat absurd but you have to take into account the absurdity of the entire situation.

When Steve was breaking Billy's record live, and Brian was crying and whining and talking about using mind games to screw him up, I truly felt sick and wanted to destroy the guy. When I saw the pathetic shack he lived in it made me somewhat happier knowing that his life was so involved in this thing, but he personally could NOT do what Steve did.

It's upsetting that this is actually probably a pretty fair representation of how these people in the old-school gaming industry are. While you can't deny the impact that Twin Galaxies and Billy Mitchell had on the history of American gaming, the way they became shadows of their former selves and conniving conspirators in order to keep Billy on top is abhorrent.


Agreed. I'm really glad his score was shattered at the end of the movie too.

The King of Kong - 9/10
Megamind - 7/10


Billy Mitchell did come across as a total arse in the film but he has since gone onto recapture the highest live score once more.
Given how critical that Twin Galaxies were of Steve though and how they went to his house to dismantle his machine and then just take Billy score as law from a tape that did look really dodgy did seem to show that they were really biased towards Billy.


I may be wrong but im pretty sure Steve took back the score a month or two ago.


"Billy Mitchell did come across as a total arse in the film but he has since gone onto recapture the highest live score once more. "

Steve just recent broke it...AGAIN...;)

'Karstens Creations- Original Art & Custom Dreams'


I liked that movie, and the third time i saw i was wondering about the "WW1 annecdote".

"the top french pilot in ww1 shot down 24 enemy planes, the top american pilot; u dont know his name; do you ?
nody knows, but his name is eddie rickenbecker, he shot down 26 enemy planes."

we learn a lot about this, except billy compair him to heroes (he surely was in his dreams); best "as des as" was Manfred Freiherr von Richthofen (famous "baron rouge" 80 enemy planes) and second one was... rené fonck with 75 + 52 nh (nh= non homologate, happend when only the pilot can see the target down).

So we learn billy think hes the only one on earth who know about heroes of wars (and some on history), and he think his abilities are at the same level than fighting real people in a war, and of course hes a part of people in usa we (not only my fellow countrymans) call "french haters" or "gov sheeps", that mean people who have a very low level of culture or who learn all around them with only one bad media (and sometime zero, only learn from drunk uncle who did vietnam war and who is 40 years old, and buy a medal and love to show her in the family dinners(but its another story)).

so the 5 first minutes of the film are enought to understand what idiot he is.


Billy Mitchell = massive douche


(BM + TG + 1HS)= MD


(BM + TG + 1HS)
(SW + KK) = an awesome movie!!

Do the *beep* snow angel, Dude!, Do the *beep* snow angel!


I can't believe I'm sticking up for Billy here... but the point he was trying to make was that the #1 guy goes down in history and is famous for many many years. But #2 and #3 are forgotten along with everyone else. He was explaining why he thinks being #1 is important.


The funny thing is that he didn't bother to come up with it himself, he says:

"I have somone draw a analogy for me once"

I was like "wow really dude? if you're gonna have a quote for yourself atleast make one up that you made up yourself"

What a douche...


During this movie Billy Mitchell played Steve Wiebe three times. They are friends in real life, and up to this date they have beaten each other scores a few times and the current record holder is Hank Chien.
Brian Kuh is a little weird, but every shot of him was taken out of context. Don’t get sucked in by manipulative editing, this was all for drama's sake. And as for Mr. Awesome his score was recognized and has been beaten, he just wont admit it.

Please people do a little research before you post your stupid opinions that have no validity because they are only based on this entertaining but ultimately fake documentary, specially when you're bashing on the reputation of a person that douche or not, dose deserve the recognition, being the first true pro gamer.


Hi Brian Kuh!


What a desperate character, seems a bit contrived and try hardy ! Steve is the Man !

"What we've got here is... failure to communicate. Some men you just can't reach."
