
This seems like a really difficult film to sell. From the trailer I could pick up that they were at least trying to balance drama, comedy, and horror, to what extent it's hard to tell, but when the title flashed on screen, everyone in the theater burst into laughter. I can't believe that this was their complete intention, and yet I can't say for sure. The movie didn't look that good, but I'm a bit curious, what is the deal with this movie? For people who've seen it, could you describe the tone, and explain why they chose such a ridiculous title?

Oogly Boogly!


It's a combo comedy/drama/horror film. I would say it leans much more toward comedy and I can assure you that the title, "Baghead" is supposed to be ridiculous. The characters in the film are writing a movie about a killer with a bag over his head and their delusion that it is a good idea is what makes it so funny. The audience laughing at the title isn't really all that surprising


What's so ridiculous about the name baghead? :P

