Wallet Cell Phone

I'm sure others have said this but I thought this was probably the stand out joke of the movie. I don't really know why, and there was other really funny stuff in the movie, but this just stuck with me for some reason.


me too, it was hilarious, I'm going to try it.


I thought it was a nice touch, especially when he hands the wallet over to his friend. Tomorrow I'm going to walk down the street yelling into my wallet, and I'll look just as cool as the digerati who do the same.


I saw another thread that mentioned how funny the movie was and how many great laughs were to be had on account of the quality script and I had to make sure I was still on the right board.

This was the one amusing moment in the whole film for me, and it wasn't even that funny. I can't imagine what someone would be laughing at otherwise, it's a very dry, dull, character(and minutia)-driven indie drama. It tries very hard to be clever, charming, and quirky, like all Duplass brother stuff, but I don't really understand why it's listed as a comedy at all. I can understand why "horror" is up there in the genre tags, even though it's a small part of the film itself and ultimately unsatisfying. To present this as a comedy though just seems...wrong.
