Kelly's a bitch....

Wow, she isn't on the show for 90% of it's run and thinks she can pick the winner single handedly? She was so against rude yawning when they'd talk about his room. Then her talking about how no one uses a living room...I DO. It's a great gathering place for parties or holidays.

I've always hated her egotistical attitude and her crazy hair.

I Margaret


And why does Kelly always look like she's on her way to a costume party?


because she's a buffoon pretending to be human...clearly she's had trouble making the transition...


Kelly always looks like she's on her way to a BAD costume party!


Because she's a pretentious hack who feels like she has to go overboard to express herself through ridiculous costuming and hairstyles which is supposed to indicate that she is a true artistic intellect with high-end chi-chi tastes.

In reality, she's a talentless phoney who has a lot of money and not much else to do with her spare time other than this joke of a show.


Normally, I would agree that people to not use their living rooms; however, those condos had such tiny family rooms that I do think most homeowners actually would use the space. I hate Kelly. She is just ridiculous. I actually think Eddie, another person I hate, should have been part of the final three with Odine (sic) being sent home.


