This show is so well-made

The story structure and the way it works in all nine characters in most episodes is generally pretty hard to pull off and it makes the controversial subject matter seem light-hearted, warm and breezy.

I know for some it's hard to believe that Muslim people can be like this with all the violence in the world being perpetuated by Muslims, but I think this show has potential to open people's eyes
Twitter @okonh0wp


No it doesn't. There is no potential for anything with this crap show. It's all bull sh!t. All muslims want to kill you.


I really liked this show it is really cute. the people feel really real


This show doesn't have any "controversial subject matter," except for the fact that it promotes anti-white racism in some episodes...although the liberals who made this show and wrote that anti-white racism into it don't themselves consider that to be controversial...they consider that to be just another typical day of doing what they always do.

seem light-hearted, warm and breezy.

It seems that way because other than promoting anti-white racism, this show excludes all other controversial subject matter.

that Muslim people can be like this

The characters on the show are not really Muslims. They never do any substantively Muslim things. Other than slapping the perfunctory label "Muslims" onto themselves, there is nothing Muslim about them at all. If you took the "Muslims" label off of those characters, then there would be absolutely nothing left that makes them the least bit Muslim.

For real Muslims, that would not be true.
