Nicole DuPort

Nicole Duport was awesome in this flim. She has way more talent then Rachel Miner and is much prettier then Rachel Miner.

Nicole DuPort`s role as Dakota was very belivable and it was strange that they wanted Neon who was dumb as a rock to be the leader.

Nicole DuPort carried this film and her acting was flawless.

Without her this film would have been very bad.

Nicole DuPort is a very very talented actress and she will go far.

"Sara Wake Up!" Raden 11:11


Nicole was a honey, yes. She was also very good as well in the movie. To say she was better looking than Rachel Miner, well, both ladies to me, are very attractive. I'd rather have both (or none) than choose one over the other.

"Loch Ness monster balls, I've been shot!." - Randy (Trailer Park Boys)
