this movie was an abolute train-wreck. tbe acting is atrocious, the humour was stale, the dialogue left a lot to be desired. warning ...waste of time.



Reason people with watch this: Naked Boobs.

4 8 15 16 23 42


This film was awesome. The acting wasn't great, the plot wasn't great either, but it was hilarious.

What's better than Lance talking to his pal Frank and then pleasing him in that girl's room?


More boobs then gore.
Just watched this movie and it was OOOOOOOOOOOKKKKKKKKKAY


The sorority needs a cook...because they're rich bitches who won't cook for themselves. Didn't it mention they were on Spring Break as well? But yeah...I agree: just a lame excuse for mediocre gore and some, frankly, mediocre tits.

Mark Hengst is great though as the cook.


it was great, that's what it was. hot and naked chicks, gore, a pretty crazy cook and stale humor.. loved it!

air quotes!


Yeah, seriously, I agree with the Thread Starter, please don't bother watching this movie. It's utter crap. You'd certainly have more important things to do with your time, rather than watching this.


Apparently people are missing the point of the film or not seeing enough anti-hollywood horror films. The Cook is tailor-made as a drive-in movie. Back in the day small production companies would knock out ultra low-budget genre films that had sex, monsters, nudity, blood, and gore... then show them at drive-ins where all the teens and 20s would hang out and not take the world so seriously.

Sadly the drive-in is all but dead yet some people keep the spirit alive by having a bunch of friends over, drinking some beers, and laughing at the movie. Basically, make your own MST3000 out of it.


WHy should anyone listen to someone telling them not to watch something? Quite high and mighty of yourself isn't it. Everyone is meant to watch something and react. ANyone who listens to someone else over actually watching a movie is missing the whole damn point of film and other arts in the first place.


Retard alert.

This movie was outstanding.


Just saw it and this might honestly be the worst movie ever made.
