Movie Update

New Fox Faith Film Receives Standing Ovation at Screening
Posted: Thursday, July 12, 2007
News Summary:

Atlanta, GA - Tuesday, July 10, 2007

This evening's screening of "The Redemption of Sarah Cain" ended with a standing ovation for Director Michael Landon, Jr., and writer/producer Brian Bird.

Retailers at the screening at the International Christian Retail Show were treated to a story with high-quality production values that evoked emotions ranging from lighthearted laughter to tear-jerking emotion.

News Story:
The evening started with a brief concert by Point of Grace, whose song "How You Live," is part of the film's soundtrack. Then, Simon Swart, Fox General Manager of Home Entertainment, North America, shared a testimony about his faith, his work, and how the two have come together in the rise of the Fox Faith brand.

Shannon Long, buyer at the Study Bookstore at Church of the King in Mandeville, La., expressed a view heard regularly outside the screening room: "It was great."

"The whole idea of someone being far away from Jesus and being brought back by their love of old family relationships really touched me," Long said. "We always pray for our family to be touched by Jesus, and she was able to accomplish that."

Starring Lisa Pepper and Tess Harper—albeit in a limited supporting role—the film is based on Beverly Lewis' Bethany House novel (2000) about a hard-charging, ego-driven newspaper columnist in Portland, Ore.

Sarah Cain is faced with a crucial decision when her Amish sister dies. As the family's only surviving heir, Sarah must either agree to raise her five nieces and nephews or see them enter foster care. Instead of consenting to live in Lancaster County, Pa., she moves them back to Portland.

That sets up a classic culture clash as the younger children try to adapt to the modern American school system, in scenes that are both instructive and amusing.

Meanwhile, Sarah revives her sagging fortunes as a columnist by writing about her relatives, unbeknownst to them. When the ruse is finally discovered, it sets up conflict that finally persuades her to return them to Amish country, where she makes a final heart-felt discovery.

At the conclusion of the film, director Michael Landon, Jr., writer/producer Brian Bird, author Beverly Lewis, and actors Abigail Mason (Lyddie Cottrell) and Soren Fulton (Caleb Cottrell) had a Q & A session with the audience. One of the most frequently-asked questions was "When is the sequel coming out?"

The film will not be released in theaters, but will premier on the Lifetime Network on August 19th, with a DVD release coming in January.
