Amish scenester

Does anyone know which actor that guy was?


I would assume it's the guy in the city dressed kinda gothish or emoish who approaches/harasses Lyddie as she's bring home groceries, and tells her he is former Amish.

My vote history:


Yes I know that, I just want to know who the actor was.


There was no scene of this from Lifetime. Is this scene being edited from Lifetime? I don't have DVD yet. Thanks.


It must be. I distinctly remember that scene, even though it's been quite a while since I last watched it on DVD.

I suspect Lyddie was disturbed as much at the temptation to leave her Amish roots—i.e., her realization of how relatively easy it might be to get caught up in the world's trappings and lifestyle, as much as the goth guy's pushy mannerisms.
