looking for a copy of complete series

Does anyone have the complete series recorded? I live in the US and would really like a copy of all six episodes. If anyone has good quality, complete episodes of this series please let me know. I'm happy to pay for your time, postage, material. Please let me know. Thanks!


Hi Rachel

The show is starting here in Australia on July 26th.
I plan to record it, if you can wait for a copy I am happy to
send you one.



Hi Rachel,

It's about to appear on Sundance channel in the US, starting this upcoming Sunday at 9 pm, as part of their comedy block www.sundancechannel.com/blocks/knockknock.


So this tripe has been billed as 'comedy'??? Its a tragic piece of cr*p. Jennifer Saunders is about as funny as a poke in the eye with a sharp stick.



So this tripe has been billed as 'comedy'??? Its a tragic piece of cr*p. Jennifer Saunders is about as funny as a poke in the eye with a sharp stick.

A poke in the eye with a sharp stick can be quite funny, as long as it's not real and not your own eye. Clearly you have never seen the Bottom episode 's Out, in which Richie gets a tentpole in the eye. Love it.

Darling, We're the Young Ones
Hammersmith Hardwoman #11


I thought I would pass on that the show will be released on August 11. Here is a link: http://www.tvshowsondvd.com/news/Life-Times-Vivienne-Vyle-Box-Art/11884


For those just finding this thread now--full series available for a tidy sum on iTunes


Seven years late, but i thought I'd respond anyway. I just watched the first episode on Hulu+. It's available for streaming there. I had never heard of it until I paged through Hulu+'s menu.

I do love Jennifer Saunders in pretty much everything I've seen her in. The first episode of TLATOVV is darker than AbFab ever was but I liked it anyway. I'll watch the whole series.
