Is that it?

Strong cast, a smattering of amusing dialog, but what else was there to this overly stylized bit of fluff?

Big disappointment for me. Hopefully others may get something more out of this banal morality play.



The movie may not have been released officially yet, but BitTorrent sites have it online. Of course I'm not admitting to anything.

Besides, many people have seen valid preview screenings.

Noli illegitimi carborundum


Wish I found the dialogue amusing, seemed like the full stops weren't working, and in place they wrote in the c-word, like a telegram.
It's a shame such a good cast is wasted on a film about nothing, without a single redeeming factor.

Signa...? No, we use Chip and PIN now.


It continually amazes me how so many people can't get past bad language in TV and film these days. I don't think I've read a review yet that hasn't warned viewers about the profanity. WTF did you expect? Disney?

44 Inch Chest isn't a film about nothing, and you would find many who would argue that it had many redeeming factors. The acting was the best you can get these days, featuring some of the best British actors on the planet. And the screenplay was beautifully written.

Those who haven't seen the film yet may not want to read the spoilers below, because I am going to discuss the theme of the film which I think is something each viewer should discover on their own:

The story is ultimately about a damaged man who has been wronged by the woman he loves and the man she cheated with. It explores what it means to be a man. Each of the supporting characters in the film represent a separate aspect of male machismo, arguing for the way he would deal with the situation. Ray Winstone considers each one and eventually decides on his own what to do about his problem. His ultimate decision can be seen as transcendent and beautiful, IMHO.

The fact that you didn't "get" the film says more about you than it does about the film, IMHO.

Noli illegitimi carborundum



I would like to go back in time and kill the idiot who created the term "reimagining."


Banal???? This brillinat piece of work could be further from banal.
