Whats the point!

Im not going to spoil it for anyone just came from seeing this and have to ask: what was the point of this movie ? i am bit tired of all these macho british movies that want to look like " Sexy Beast" its been done many many many times. No point of wasting good actors on pointless movies like this one.



it's leaked to the interwebz homie



What's the point of anything?


I also thought this movie was rather pointless. To me it was just a bunch of pointless boring dialogues, a lot of cursing, and a little bit of moral. The acting was good, but that's it.


Yeah. Pointless and very tedious.


yep i have seen it illegally ...slap my wrists
point is i loved it ...understood it ...and will be buying it on release...(would not have gone to cinema to watch tbh)
if you like sexy beast you will get it...its a stage play set to film...a study of paranoia, projection ,jealousy, profiling, and insecurity...............brilliant


The point is that after 20+ years of marriage down the drain, all a guy can do is walk away. Life will go on.
Haven't enjoyed a movie this much in ages.


Ehhhh... OKaayyyyyy.

Let's be clear on one thing here - this movie blows. Period. It will be ignored by the general public and film critics will HATE it. End of story. Mark my words. And, you can take that to the bank.

The premise is interesting, but the dialog is flat and I'm afraid the execution failed completely. The only element that offered anything interesting was Ian McShane.



Ray Winstone was excellent as usual, but the movie sucked.


I think some viewers have expected something different from what it is, and those who expect a big, bloody gangster flick with lots of action are the ones who are disappointed. This is no Guy Ritchie movie (thank god).

I don't think it "sucked"; I've seen it twice, and was even more impressed the second time around. It's a tricky, multi-level little film, features some of the best British actors on the planet, and they seem to be having a ball in it (other than Ray Winstone, who has to access his emotions throughout the entire film). It's about as much a comedy as it is a drama (especially on the 2nd-viewing), and it serves to make a person think about whether anyone can love another person too much, what makes a marriage work, and whether we really know what love is at all. It's also photographed so beautifully I can't get certain scenes from it out of my head.

Noli illegitimi carborundum


Saw it last night at a screening at the BFI. Winstone and Hurt and one of the writers were on after the screening for a Q&A.

Very well acted and at times some good snappy dialogue. But it was tedious and in some ways (as the original OP points out) slightly pointless. Some external/fantasy scenes felt like filler rather than important to the plot (like the Wilkinson scene with the bloke and his dog near the start).

From the Q&A it seemed like they had a great time making it, and you can tell from the acting. But, as Kim Newman points out in this month's Empire, this would have made a solid play and a good night at the theatre, but it doesn't work as a movie.

Is it Safe?


mcpete: You and I are on the same page about this movie. I have seen it only once, but after having seen it my appreciation for it grew and grew. I rented the DVD, so I had to bring it back the next day but I feel like watching it a second time immediately. I'll buy it soon. It's a movie that is hard to pin down, it isn't a crowd pleaser; you need to mull it over.


It's the sort of film that separates people right down the middle on either side, I guess. It's a sort of 50/50 Inch Chest. Glad to see I'm not alone!

Noli illegitimi carborundum


I agree. Crap film.


Well maybe it’s just me but I loved it, thought it was brilliantly acted. The whole idea I would hazard guess at is this; it is the mind of a man, who feels betrayed by his wife, a woman he is clearly obsessed with. The point is that he is in turmoil and the characters, his friends were showing that turmoil.
Maybe the ones that felt it had no point and thought it was crap have all had wonderful, loving relationships and never felt what he was going through.


I must agree there was a lot of brilliant acting. The swearing was hilarious too!



I like the genre but this was a pretty lame example. Really, the movie went nowhere and ended fairly inclusively.

It must've set one record though. The most usages of the "C Bomb" in a mainstream movie.


I think the point was coming to peace with your worst fears and tendencies in yourself while finding comfort and resolve in the last place one would think to find it.

I think Ray Winstone's character needed to come to an awakening of himself and realize he needed to just let go. All this anger and tension he had inside of him had to be released in order for him to have a better life and move on.


In my opinion the ending sucks! If he wasn't going to do him then he shouldn't be there at all. Time could help him.



I have friends that ask this about some movies I love that are open ended (like some Coen brothers flicks such as A Serious Man and No Country For Old Men), and the answer is that sometimes the journey to the end of a film is every bit if not more important than the end itself.

Another way of looking at it is, walking down the beach with your lover is not so much about getting back to the parked car as it is about enjoying each step along the way. Many people raised on more formulaic movies and TV that deliver endings with resolution and closure find it hard at times to derive all their satisfaction from the playing out of the film, the delivery of the lines, the expressions and such, and the key moments along the way in the story. Afterwards, even if you didn't have a clear sense of completion, you are left with a powerful sense of having been somewhere, watched evens unfold, and that experience can be quite fulfilling.
